this love has taken its toll

May 15, 2004 14:34


HAHAHAHHAHAHAH aren't you jealous? i was officially out yesterday. i spent the night at my friends on thursday and we watched scary movie 3. that was freaking weird ass. on friday we went to check-out and got our caps and gowns. then shoe shopping! me i just got some accessories and a cute tank top and my friend got shirts for tonight's party. when we got back to her house we tried on our caps and gowns. goodness.... it's so.... so.... PURPLE! :( it's like a huge purple moo-moo. :( i look like a grape... or that blueberry girl from that movie willy wonka's chocolate factory. it's a bit disappointing.

after that we rode on four-wheelers in the open field near her house. in my opinion a four-wheeler looks a lot like a lawnmower tractor but without the blades. but that was fun! lol. i liked going fast.... and i was afraid i would run over a turtle. but i didn't so all is good.

i also got my driving waiver on thursday. looks like i can get my license this week! WHEE! :-D it's good.!

now i have to read stuff and then get ready for my friend's party. talk to you all soon!
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