[Hetalia Fic] Mistaken Identities Chaper 1

Oct 03, 2010 16:37

Title: Mistaken Identities
Parings: RussiaxOC, FrancexOC
Summary: Russia thinks it's time for a change. France proves he'll go along with anything. 
Additional Notes: This hasn't been betaed. Dx Sorry. <33

“Ru-Russia,” Latvia stammered, poking his sandy blonde head around the doorjamb leading from the hallway into the Master bedroom. “W-what is that horrible smell?”

“Da.” Came Russia’s muffled, monosyllabic reply.

Edging over the threadbare threshold, Latvia treaded carefully towards the milky glow spilling from under the bathroom door. “Russia,” he called again, tentatively, his hand raised to knock. At the ghost of pressure from the smaller nation’s knuckles, the door yawned inward. A horrible creaking breeched the pregnant silence, like the screaming of a thousand hell bound souls. The sight that greeted his eyes nearly sent the younger nation packing. Black blood adorned the walls in grisly swatches. Black tar dribbled from the counter-tops to the tiled floor. Ichor smeared the sinks and mirrors.

Covering his mouth with both hands to keep from screaming, Latvia forced himself closer to the tub on the far side of the room. The shower curtain was drawn, a ghostly candlelight illuminating the hunched figure within. “Russia?” He called, his voice deteriorating into a mouse’s squeak.

“Aahhhhh…” Answered the shape, water sloshing as an arm dropped off the side of the tub to slide into view. Stark white fingers dripped black tinged water.

Reaching one twitching, un-cooperating hand to brush the plastic curtain, Latvia steeled the urge to flee. If Russia was really gone, had really been devoured by a soul sucking monster, it would be up to him to protect his brothers and the rest of the family. With Russia gone, they could all move on with their lives un-harassed, for the most part. If Latvia could only know for sure…

Ripping the curtain aside, Latvia squashed a startled scream at the sight of Russia’s black haired, disembodied head staring back at him from the inky depths.

“Visya” Russia remarked sweetly, his startling purple eyes turned up in a smile, “You were imagining my violent and bloody demise, weren’t you?”

The disembodied head was talking!? Disembodied heads don’t talk! “N-no Big Brother! O-of course not!”

“Don’t you lie to me, you little bastard.” Russia continued, voice dripping with arsenic honey. “I know exactly what you think of me.”

Trembling uncontrollably, Latvia could feel his face drawing into a too tight smile while his mind ricocheted down that blank spiral of fear. Just before he thought he’d pass out, Latvia caught sight of a certain box and crumpled instructions in the wastebasket.

“Hair dye!?” He squawked in disbelief. “You made this mess with hair dye!?”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.” Russia considered, his eyes rolled skyward in thought. Now that he had his senses about him, Latvia could see that the older nation wasn’t bodiless at all, but merely completely submerged. “No. I mean yes.”

Turning to retrieve a towel from beneath one of the sinks, Latvia sighed. He could already hear Ukraine making a fuss over the stains.

“If you wanted to change your hair, you could have asked one of the girls for help.” Latvia muttered dourly, dropping to his knees by the tub and rolling up his sleeves.

“I could have.” Russia agreed in his childlike way, but Latvia wasn’t fooled. Fishing between Russia’s knees for the tub’s plug, he really wished Russia would wipe that stupid grin off his face.

ivan, asher, fanfic, russia, france

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