
Mar 05, 2011 12:48

House Monster Bitch


♔ Grell ( esoteric_rose)

A playmate and all around good time. Dottie would like to see Grell off the leash, but she'll settle for a little rough sex until she manages to get far enough under the 'woman's' skin. Blood and mutilation is totally normal foreplay for a pair of sadomasochists, right?

♔ Yamame ( diseasing)

Pretty cute for a little spider demon. Dottie's just pleased to be meeting some other nasties. A+, would wreak destruction with one day.

♔ Sasha ( kneebruises)

Dottie took a bite out of her, but she tasted like shit. That was disappointing.

♔ Santana ( heretolookhot)

Sister in bitchitude. Dot mostly likes her, except for when she wants to beat her face in. Santana would make a nice squirmy little snack.

♔ Epsilon ( lovelikelight)

Look. You wanna fight, or what, robot bitch? Because Dot's getting sick of that nice act.

♔ Xion ( mnementomori)

Where the fuck is your face? Seriously, how do you even talk like that? Dot's absolute disregard for others has no interest in respecting Xion's individuality, oops.

♔ Reno ( tasercopter)

aka "Sparky 2.0" Dot likes being called babydoll and she does, in fact, give real good head.

♔ Loly ( loly_poison)

One of Dot's terrible bad-girl friends. Loly is a little weird, but she's also a badass, so it evens out. Dot's going to have to see what it takes to make her turn bright pink.

Of Interest:

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