queenofheartsrp application

Feb 27, 2011 22:49

Player Information
Name: Vee
Personal Journal: blizzardseason
Contact Info: pm/plurk/etcetc
Other Characters: Paderau, Fela, Jackie

Character Information
Name: Dot
Age: ~130
Setting: The Bestiary.
History: Dottie was born in 1880 on her daddy's farm. A healthy, vibrant little girl, her life was nothing out of the ordinary until that one day when she was eight years old and lost her finger to a piece of farming equipment. Her near immediate regeneration horrified her family, so they took her out back and put her down like a rabid dog. Buried shallow, she and her first replicant, grown from that shorn flesh, set out on their own. Her replicant was a little different than her though, had some dark tendencies and a recognizable hunger for flesh.

When the 'twins' were picked up off the side of the road... they didn't waste very much time killing their rescuers. Intrigued by their powers and how easy it had been... the two began to experiment in that gleeful way that only children can. They killed and tortured animals a bit first, like classic psychopaths, before moving on and exploring emotional manipulation. They were a pair of cute little girls, what was to be scared of? In one town, they convinced another little girl to hang herself. In another, they learned they could get a man beaten to death if they claimed he had raped them.

It was easy. It was fun. The only problem in these first years was the replicants growing hatred of her original. A hatred that got so hot and so bright that she began to plot how to kill Dot. The fight that ensued between the little girls ended with the replicant shoved into a fire place where Dot watched her shriek and burn. She learned her one weakness right there.

Dottie ran away from that town alone, found somewhere new and... continued on as she was. She was about thirteen when the budding cycles began and the very first time it happened she was in public. She and her creatures were all shot and buried deep beneath the earth. She clawed her way out of her own grave furiously when she had regenerated. She cut off each of her fingers for ten copies of herself and went back to the town where they wreaked a path of violence and torment. The replicants were all left to be killed, but Dot eventually got bored and moved on.

She keeps herself entertained that way for a long time, growing into a young woman, a violent sexual manipulator with a taste for flesh, copies of her roaming in all sorts of hidden places, more and more appearing all the time. The police arrest her wherever they find her, confused and frightened by the way she seems to die or escape and then appear again. The jails never keep her long, and her fellow inmates have a terrible habit of dying around her.

By chance, they finally catch Dot, the Original, and take her out to maximum security. She's destined for the chair. It's in those few short stationary days before she escapes that the monks find her. They get access to her by wearing their old cloths, coming in to save her corrupted soul or some ridiculous shit. What they really do is toss a little black magic her way, cinching a pretty necklace around her throat that cuts her off from all of her replicants. And then they take her home.

Dot is a bad mannered guest, doesn't shy from sheer violence to sexual provocation and is confined, often to one room in the bestiary home. But without the maddening budding cycle, she slowly begins to calm. Still the same creature, in the end, but growing increasingly tired of her four-walled prison. She behaves, and she is let out to meet the others. The youngest member of the bestiary, at that time, she asserts herself firmly as annoying teenage monster girl, the most versed in the current culture and not willing to change that, she starts to build her relationship with Jacob, wheedling him for contact to the outside world. Good behavior for thirty years or so earns her that. Like any immature and reckless girl, she fucks up often, gets punished, but she bounces back.

The first bestiary release occurs not 'long' after she is captured, in 1911. She has not served her full century, however, and is not allowed out. This is clearly and infuriating thing to her, but all her attempts at rebellion are thwarted by the monk's guard-dog, Gareth. He and Dot never do get around to liking each other. Much like she never gets along with Esau, Doza, Mary, that crying bitch Polina, Terhenetär or his stupid little kitty, Precious, or Vankiel. The angry and the lusty of the group however... Dot can deal with them.

As the second release has approached, Dot has become increasingly anxious about how her budding cycles have been building up. She has the feeling that they're going to completely rip her apart, and she'll be nothing but a pile of goo, the instant the muzzle is taken off of her. She's also afraid her copies with find her in that moment of vulnerability and torch her without being able to fight back. She's brought this concern to Jacob, and like a good daddy, he's offered to take care of it. The specifics of it are a bit touchy, however. He intended to send Gareth along to chaperon her, but her bad relationship with the guardian and her very sexy relationship with Baldassare have forced him to reconsider. He's left it up to Priest to see that the starfish and the demon-bearer come back to him in one piece at the end of their vacation.


Annoying Teenage Monster Girl. Dot is a monster, and she embraces this fully. Dot's greatest defining trait is complete and total lack of any sense of responsibility for anything. As far as she is concerned she is immortal and she is indestructible. She does what she wants, when she wants to do it. She has no empathy whatsoever, she only cares about herself and her needs, can easily be brutish, cruel, reckless, crude. She revels in pain and bloodshed, sometimes even her own.

A Nice Young Lady, Kind Of? Dot isn't always in the mood to be nasty though. Like I said, the girl just wants to have fun and she is damn good at finding it. She has a wicked and irreverent sense of humor, an infectious smile, and a reckless imagination. She's been to jail several times for that 'imagination' but those walls never keep her quite like the monks have. Because she mostly grew up without any authority figures or responsibility she can be sometimes very immature and childish in her enthusiasms. Including her enthusiasm for sex, which she has wantonly, would seriously spread her legs for anyone, although she does have a bad habit of killing them afterward. So maybe her definition of fun is a little twisted. Big deal, right? Dot is often compared to a bratty teenage girl, selfish and inconsiderate and always testing the limits of what's allowed. She's talkative though, and easy to like when she isn't being a crazy murderous monster bitch. Dot sees absolutely no difference between the murdering kind of fun and the gossiping and painting nails kind of fun. Although trying to redirect her attention to one when she's decided on the other will get you some drama queen antics.

Uniqueness And Daddy Issues. Dot is obsessed with the idea of being the Original. So are all her copies, and they are all filled with the desire to be the Original. As her copies age they all inevitably are possessed with the desire to kill her. When Dot was free, she was able to take care of them and kill them one at a time as they came for her. Since she's been in Jacob's collection, they have been multiplying dramatically and unchecked. Unable to find her, they've been slaughtering each other, but still driven by the niggling certainty that she is somewhere. Being unique and appreciated is something very touchy to Dot, maybe because her daddy shot her when she eight and she's got issues, who knows. Some of her more extravagant behavior is her way of getting all the attention she could ever want. In the bestiary itself she settles for Jacob and her fellow captives, has a special little flame for Baldassare and the demon bound into his skin.

Jacob. Despite hating being caged and locked up, Dot has found a really bizarre sense of family in the bestiary. Because of the strange, starfish-like nature of her powers, she doesn't quite fit in amongst the other magical creatures and she definitely doesn't fit in with the humans. But Jacob still wants her in his 'collection', is noticeable possessive of all of his captives and while Dot mocks him for it and complains about it, it really pleases her an enormous amount to be wanted by someone somewhere. She looks up to him like a father or a big brother and takes a lot of pride in being able to make him smile and laugh despite being a stuffy old monk. Here's a thread they had in QoH's honor: link.

Regrowth And Hunger. Being in the bestiary, Dot has not had a 'budding' episode in quite some time, but her behavior changes in these situations. Budding is when copies of herself essentially push or chew their way out from under her skin. This is an enormously painful and frightening experience for her, and leaves her with quite a lot of flesh to regenerate. At these times, she gets very snappish, irrational, rash, and absolutely blood thirsty for human flesh. Flesh is what her newly formed replicants hunger for most, shrieking and demanding it if not outright attacking for it. While in the bestiary and on her leash, Dot is not allowed human flesh less because there is something physically stopping her, and more because Jacob would punish her and by Jacob she means Esau and he's a fucking sourpuss. Dot has similar episodes when she is severely wounded, getting hungry for flesh when she has lost a lot of blood. Some of her most extreme and violent sexual encounters have ended... nastily. She can survive just fine without human flesh, but oh does she like it.

Fire. When fully engulfed in fire, she can die. Partial burns will heal excruciatingly slowly. She will turn into a full fledged sniveling coward in the face of being burned. She will cry, she will beg, she will tuck tail and run, whatever she needs to do. So. No, she and Azula won't be friends.

Mind Your Language. Dot is a consummate potty mouth.

Abilities: Dot's powers were inspired by Tomie in that she self-replicates, regenerates, and can only be destroyed with fire. Amon calls her 'little starfish'.

Because I will be taking her while she is still on Jacob's leash, she will not be able to go through any budding episodes, but if you cut off any of her flesh it would slowly grow into a copy. Dot is... likely to kill it though. The Garden is too small for the both of them.

Sample: [Dot in the Garden. Right. Right... Whatever.]

Fuck this. [She turns her head, looking around herself with narrowed eyes.] Jacob! This isn't funny! And what the hell is this ugly ass dress. Do I look like I belong in white? I haven't been a virgin in over a fucking century, you prissy ass monk.

[She gets no answer, and she kicks at the flowers huffily before pushing herself up to her feet.]

This is Hell. This is Hell, Jacob, and you didn't fucking unleash me, you enormous prick! We had a deal! I talk to Priest and I get to go with Bal. Isn't lying a sin or some shit, or do you not care about that kind of thing? I bet you don't.

[...He should be here by now. She puts up a fuss, he hears her and comes and makes that face her and goes 'Dot.' and she goes 'What?' and he smiles and solves all her problems. Where is he.]

Goddamnit, don't ignore me! I didn't do anything. ...Okay, fine! I fucked Bal again, but you didn't say I couldn't and he's a fun ride, it's not like you're jealous, you dusty old celibate. I totally had to tell that demon I wasn't going to jerk off your brother though, it was creepy.

[She pauses again, waiting. That should do it. It should. He'll come and defend Esau's virginal honor or whatever. But he doesn't appear and she frowns sullenly.]

...Fine. Fuck you too, send the damn dog when you want me home again, you asshole.
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