Dec 19, 2009 11:24
*Yes! I am done with exams
*Yes! I had an awesome first term which arised from three-dimensional de-bounding of uncontrollable risks :
-spatial- enjoying life and studying with no limits or boundaries ,
-temporal- a lot of time spent having fun and learning new stuff
-social- I met a lot of friends and feel like I know 80% of fist years and others in UBC.Socialized a lot as a consequence.
(Beck article for SoCi who knows lol)
*Yes! I am going home and I can't wait to seem my lovely family and friends,my dog,my room,my bed,my toys,my street, my mall,my city,Ukraine and etc... and I can't wait to be back and rock UBC on the 2nd term
I am here- got nothing that I can't do~~~