Kittens and Other Cute Things

Feb 17, 2010 01:52

*groans* I just had a nice little text message chat with my older brother calling him "girl" and berating him for calling me and then pretending he hadn't. I thought it was K and that she had a new number (she changes phones once every three months or so and I was going off of our home area code in my inbox) but Joe gets it and just gasgahighio[gag[jkl.

See, it wouldn't be a problem except, well, hell, read this shit:

Girl you called about stayin over this weekend. I been sending texts back o forth with some1 I d6t know. U could just say o never mind.

Yes, apparently, talking to K means all my ability with the English language goes flying out the window. But, thank God, I said girl or I'd still be roundabouting with Joe and going down that slippery slope of language mutilation and humiliation. *facepalmfacepalmfacepalm* Woooow, Di, good going there.

Anyway, that's all fixed and hopefully K'll get back to me and maybe come up for the weekend, which'd be nice.
AND I have a picspam. I do have a fic I've been working on (fic's not really the right word...) but I would rather humiliate myself publicly five times over than post that anywhere. It's just too kinky and too personal. I don't think I've ever written non-self-insert fic that was more geared towards making myself happy, if that makes sense? It's an offshoot of Paramour and is at almost 3,000 words now.

In my headcanon, this is Fabi to the core.

This literally made me laugh out loud. It's always the cheesy puns that get me.

You will never be worthy enough in wombat/wallaby's eye.

But, hey, you can always laugh with the freaky mole things.

Aaaaaagh!!! If this thing showed up in my backyard back home, I'd be running faster than you can say racoon.

I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry. I'm sorry, Chase-No-Face, but you still freak me the hell out.

Don't mess with Jasmine, bitchez.

Ice cubes

Big ice cubes

This is actually a really calming picture to me. Caves are very reassuring. I'm not the least bit claustraphobic.

Because ferrier's like to do arts and crafts, too.

Facebook. Infinitely less disturbing than Chase-No-Face.

This, in case you don't know, is an erg machine. It's what rowers use to train off the water. His form is actually pretty good, though he's not moving up the slide so I can't tell if he's got it all there but, I mean, come on, he's erging in a full-on body suit.

Mutant kitties.

Mutant crocodiles. Aww.

These won the award for most inventive design for an Indian bridal competition.

Two of the truest statements I've ever read:

No doubt about it, that is one fugly animal.

Aaaaaagh!!! I don't want to see the lotus anymore!!!

Sarkozy an der Mauer, 1989

I totally have been sticking sodas in the snow outside my window at night.

Always thought she was a bitch.

I totally want someone to buy one, just to so he can laugh his way to the bank.

random, real life

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