Restaurant Love

Jan 01, 2010 15:31

When we were at Syd's restaurant last night in Port Norfolk for New Year's yesterday, I somehow completely missed the fact that the sous chef was checking me out. Audra introduced me to him again as we were leaving, like I hadn't already fucking met him so I had to shake his hand again. I was a little bit mellow from the champagne and the fact that it was one in the morning and I hadn't slept for a very long time for me, so I was not in the mood to be all cheery and bouncy, not after five hours of talking and celebrating. As we were walking out, we stopped to thank Syd for the meal and he takes my hand in both of his, clasping my wrist and starts to compliment me on my height and my cleavage. Now Sid is gay so I was a bit miffed until he starts telling me that the sous chef was checking me out and how pretty I looked, and where was my younger brother because he dearly wanted to see him (Sid is of the opinion that my older brother is a closeted gay). I had my hood up and didn't even notice Kyle standing there behind me until Sid asked if he was going on a date tonight. Now, it's one in the morning and the guy just got off work and fuck if he hadn't been hanging around hoping to talk to me. I hadn't a clue till Sid said that, seeing as I was in a girl-watching mood, and then it was too late to do anything about it.

But, my God, the sous chef? And I'm Audra's friend, making me more than a bit noticeable. *groans* I might go back on Saturday but you know they're going to pester me about this for ages. Sous chef's aren't exactly hired help; they stay around a while.

Also, I'll be posting the next part of Strange later today or tomorrow. It's pretty long, for me at least and strange, as you can imagine from the prompt. If you haven't checked it out yet, you can find it here.

real life

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