Oh my... God [Heroes 4.07]

Oct 29, 2009 00:34

This gif pretty much describes my reaction to this episode...

No Momologue or Samuelogue this time, the episode starts with the infamous scene of Sylar taking over Matt's body and having sex with Janice, and we can hear all the SQUEE of the fangirls for the most gratuitous fanservice ever. (or every fanservice is gratuitous?)
Probably I'm the only one who didn't found ZQ/Sylar OMGHOT!!! in that scene, because I found the whole thing too disturbing for my taste. Yes, I know, he is a serial killer and showed some pedophile tendency here and there and he tends to kill the women he kisses/shags but this was almost a rape... At least it was short.
Anyway, the disgusting scene had an hilarious side: So the Parkmans set all the romantic scenario, the fireplace, the candles etc... and had sex with bra and T-Shirt. LOL! the effects of the time slot?

ok prediction: by the end of the episode Head!Sylar has the complete control of matt's body? surprise me show #

and,sadly, so it was. As lemomina said, the reason why I can't enjoy Heroes anymore is because is way too predictable to me.

Parkman, being the dumb self he is, didn't fight head!Sylar using his mental powers, but obviously fell for the whole faking that the alcohol has some effect on Sylar thing.
Is not that he has just take over you when you were making sex with your wife and had lowered your attention and inhibitions... Drinking yourself to exhaustion will totally help you to keep him at bay!

Mohinder !!! YaY! He exist!!! "I don't know where you are" Neither us, Matt... and I suspect neither the writer of this episode!
"His father research" LOL! It's a pity Mohinder lost his fake accent during s2 and s3.

And the winner of the lottery to play Sylar for the next 1 or 2 episodes is... Greg Grumberg! Meanwhile, ZQ will play... well... himself. NBC, we get that your target this year are ZQ's fangirls, but please, neither Sylar or Gabriel would wear those clothes and that hat. And certainly not Nathan, if this is the whole "I remember Tracy" implied. Please. Stop. Now.

Strangely enough Gretchen was very well written this episode, she said things that actually make sense, plus we had the acknowledgment of the existence of the bisexuality. I wonder if was just the way to justify any development for the Claire/Gretchen storyline in the future. Both the first (when they talk in beds) and the second scene (in the trunk) with them were well done. Then they went to Boringland with the rehearsal of some stupid teen horror movie and I lost my tiny interest I had in this storyline.
Plus, I don't see how killing her new girlfriend should push Claire to join the Circus... but about Samuel's motivations I'll talk more later...

And, by the way, the explanation for the title is WRONG. Strange Attractors generate chaos not power. PHYSICS FAIL!

The Noah - Tracy - Poor PlotDevice!kid was so lame. I hate the stereotypes when are so bad written. And the bad re-dressing of MrIsaac's loft didn't helped.

- Noah last weeks had the Haitian on speed-dial, and this week he calls Tracy, because he had no fullback. oookey.
- Am I the only one who found annoying that Tracy's power is completely changed from freezing to melting?
- who called the angry crowd at the police station? Why they use the front door? Really people has nothing better to do that going all "Murder" on a kid?
- and they killed a kid. again. and it wasn't Sylar (the resident villain) and all just to force the plot and having Tracy join the Carnival...
- Noah/Tracy partnership is over. HRG you fail at everything this season...

At last Samuel! so far we've learn that:
- His brother's name is Joseph.
- Poof! He is very proficient with Sylar's Magic CarpetTM!
- He knows everything about every single person with abilities... minus what happened to Sylar in the S3 finale.
- It's better do not disappoint him, or he'll destroy your home/building/maison (and nobody will notice said building collapsing or the strange man that suddenly appeared in the middle of the street) because HE IS EVIL MWAHAHAHAH (mandatory evil laugh)
- His power is Terrakinesis/or everything else the writer needs him to do at the moment. Same for Lydia.
We still don't know what he'll do when he'll have all the TodosPoderosos at the Carnies or what his final goals are, and I've lost any hope by now.

Next week: they'll screwed up more S1 with some bad recton/inconsistence/whatever. So not eager to see it... But from the preview I've seen, they watched my short movie! I knew HRG was there...

heroes|volume 5, meta, heroes

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