- First of all: Is any of you on my flist the user
catandmoose on Twitter? Sorry, I don't remeber who you are...
- Fun fact: someone (not the author) sent on my YT box a link to a vid where they ask the heroes writer to bring back Sylar/Claire. I don't know if it was an attempt to create a ship war or what...
And now some TV show reviews/meta/spoilers:
- Chuck may come back early, by the end of October!!!! YaY!!! :D And probably Heroes will be back at 9.00 pm, so
faded_facade let me know if you'll watch it live or not...
- Flashforward
I don't like the use of cliches, so I didn't like that the EVIL CHARACTER here was a Nazy (how old is he, btw? It's been almost 65 years now from the end of WWII). But it was well done and I totally didn't expect for him playing the FBI.
Anyway, I like how they give some answers within the new questions. So the death crows in Somalia in 1991 was a reharsal of the Global FF? [couldn't they choose another place? because there was a Civil War going on in Somalia in that year, I doubt someone was interested in death crows, there were a lot of death people... ].
Little twist also with the Afghanistan soldier body and Demetri fiancée flash forward. I'm convinced that he's not going to die and it's all a cover up of some kind.
And GINA TORRES!!!! Let's hope they give her more to do. Still the most interesting show this year so far.
- Dollhouse was a disappointment again.
I really liked how Enver Gjokaj acted [better than the real Terry and Echo!Kiki] but the rest? we're back to the doll of the week? and how conveniently the remote imprint change just those 2 personality of all the dolls active in LA in that moment?
Some funny moment: "Topher as moral problem, Topher!" and the whole disco scene. Now let's back to focus on he Dollhouse please? I'm tired of Echo's glitch. I hope the fact that Topher invented the Remote Wipe will lead to Epitaph One, now.
I've read that this episode and the second were reversed, so the Fox is messing up things again? Make sense that in this episode they talk about Claire's escape and Victor recent surgery. And think at how more significance would have been Echo's will to kill to protect her child if we knew there was also a serial killer in her, among the other personalities...
But there is an interesting promo for next week episode,
here: we have Summer Glau in 2 episode and... what's going to happen to Topher? He seems a little psycho there! washing his bloody hands? O_o
- And last, Heroes
A lot of convenient things happened in this episode. Too many for my taste.
I don't care about Claire's storyline - why she must be in every episode? "look at me, I'm normal! It's not my fault if weird stalkers and powered people are all around me!" YAWN. If I wasn't watching with someone else, I'd totally fastforward all her scenes.
- But they surprised me a little by not having Gretchen be the one who killed the room mate. good for you, writers! But recycling powers? not cool. Especially when the original owner was so loved...
I found irritating the ZQ's character storyline (is not Sylar, not Nathan and certainly not Gabriel as I hoped, just ZQ with some bad haircut). It's Peter with amnesia all over again...
- Really, this emo!Peter!bang need to go. Elle should have done wonderful things with Sylar's hair... *sighs*
- I don't believe that if cops find a amnesiac guy on the street they arrest him and keep him cuffed in the interrogatory room in his own bloody clothes.
- Sylar's body has superhearing again? How he could hear the watches?
- How convenient is that the "Touch and Flashback" power stopped to work again? He's still wearing Nathan's clothes, he should see nice black and white flashbacks all the time, instead he got the unintentional TK that obviously he mastered in like 2 minutes and shut off all the lights in the garage. Okkeeeeeeeey.
- Conveniently the doctor feel sympathy for him and let him escape, even after she read the report about Virginia Grey's murder? [so Sylar gave back his files after I AM SYLAR? how conveniently kind of him]
/side note:
I hate HATE how they changed the pic for said file, instead of the
Gabriel Gray pic they used in S2... It's me, or this is
a RL ZQ pic with the glasses photoshopped on?
- Elle's ghost messed with him and get him shot!! YaY for Elle!!!
(yes, that's me in my little denial verse, I know that according the writers I'm not supposed to even remember her)
- Attempt #5841387 to kill Sylar, and counting...
The Carnival is MAGIC! the MAGIC
is back ! They used a very large version of
Sylar Magic Carpet to go and save ZQ's character from the cops!
- I've read the descriptions of the web-episodes and I wonder why they relegated Lydia back story that give her and the carnival's folks more depth, to the web-content. So far Lydia is just the eye-candy naked woman, we don't understand her power (or Samuel's power, for the matter) and the things are not going to get any better for her (if you have seen the promo pics from tabula rasa you know what I'm talking about).
- I repeat what I've said last time: they better start giving some explication about Samuel's motivations, a part from blabbling about his brother, give sermons with breakfast and obsessively searching for new members to add to the family.
- new entry for the Heroes drink game: every time Samuel says "my brother Joseph"
- conveniently the Evil!Samuel family member is in Sandra's sorority? they better explain this somehow....
- And I want also know how they know all the names and stuffs about the "heroes"... Dr Suresh List? Someone saw S1 dvds? They found Molly or Micah? They read the Heroes Magazine?
Emma/Peter thing lasted a little too much, but I like Peter again and his little smiles so I don't mind.
- Not_so_subtle parallel between Peter/Angela and Emma/her mother.
- "Can we focus on me for a second?" AW poor poor Pete!
- Pete, she is deaf! Stop talking to her.
- So now Peter accidentally get Emma's power? How does this works? why he didn't took Sylar's powers when he hugged Nathan? or Angela's? WHY THE WRITER CAN'T FIX A RULE AND STICK WITH IT FOR ONCE?
- Peter forget his job to stalk Emma.
- and as much I found dumb the whole "The eclipse gave everyone powers", they can't just forget about it now. You make it canon, heroes writers! You need to found a convenient explication of Emma's power, not make Peter forget about what has happened like few months before...
- The fact that the deaf girl can suddenly play both the cello and the piano because she see the sounds as colors still bother me.
- And the synesthesia became some kind of sonic power. Cool. I like you Emma, let's hope you'll survive Peter's attention and bad curse with woman!
And to end this, mini rant, about episode 8's description
HIRO GETS A SECOND CHANCE TO SAVE THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE - JAYMA MAYS RETURNS AS CHARLIE - When Hiro (Masi Oka) travels three years into the past, he has a second chance to save Charlie...
3 years in the past? really? oh, writers, check the effing heroes wiki
timeline... currently should be late August or early September 2007. Still. *rollesyes*