Previously on DollhouseHeroes:
Sylar killed Nathan so that's Sylar transformed to look like Nathan because of some kind of control by Matt because HRG and Angela couldn't found Claire magical blood a better plan . Try to explain this to a casual viewer.
Let's start with this: great part of my opinion about this season premiere depends from the whole Nathan!Sylar and Matt/Sylar storyline: how they handled the first (not as bad as I thought) and how they explained the Matt/Sylar part.
Sorry ZQ, I bet you had a lot of fun but I still can't buy this: just because Sylar has been brainwashed with Nathan's memories this doesn't mean that he actually become Nathan. He may think he is Nathan, but he isn't.
Stupid question: how can Nathan!Sylar write with his right hand if has been established that Sylar is left-handed?
Mama Petrelli advice: It's just a midlife crisis, Nathan, don't worry. The usual stuff, to take stock of one's life, think at all the dreams you had when you were young, remembering that you are a serial killer... Just go found a slut and enjoy yourself a little.
Sylar making Nathan wanting to improve himself and become better? Angela scared face is priceless.
Matt saying to Angela that he is done and out? Good luck with that, Matt.
I liked Adrian Pasdar doing Sylar_thinking_he_is_Nathan. He used a different tone of voice and the whole scene with Elle's power (oh hi Elle!) and the TK was well done. Still, I'd prefer Sylar re-emerging more slowly, but from what I've seen from the promo...
Fight Club part (i.e. Matt/Sylar):
"How are you even here?"
"I'm part of you, whatever you did to me I held on and now I'm inside your head"
Why and how Sylar *spirit* is stuck with Matt? There was no "transfer" of any kind. No Mind Meld. Nothing. No separation of body and *soul* or spirit or whatever you want to call Sylar's presence in Matt's life.
There was Matt Parkman raping Gabriel's mind to imprint Nathan's memories. Where did he got those memories anyway? uhm...
From the way they played it is not just Matt hallucinating. So how that's happening? I have no hope they will explain this.
And also: so now is all jealous about Wyatt from Charmed (thanks to
faded_facade who recognized him)? How about Daphne? It's been only 6 weeks and few days since you lost the love your life... And braking your "no power" rule for this reason?
Matt! You deserve everything is happening to you! At least you are paying for it, not like HRG or Angela...
And Sylar really is good with babies. I mean, If we forget that he is cripplingly menacing their parents... AW! I can see me using those parts in my vid. :D (was me or they used two different babies in those scenes? the crying one and the sleeping one were soooo different)
Anyway, I couldn't help but see Sasan instead of Sylar (the "Whole" scene...)LOL.
The rest:
"Hi, I'm here to save you" *giggles*
Oh Peter you and your "boosting self esteem wall". You have a serious heroes complex, haven't you? Still, I like you again. It's been since S2... Keep staying away from your family and politely saying to go to Hell to HRG and everything will go well. I hope it last this time, at least 5 episodes... *pets Peter*
- Wearing another shirt under the paramedic one? I want my little dose of fanservice! the boys get the usually half naked blond... The gratuitous shot of Nathan's ass is not enough!
Also, Momo shotout. I missed Momo's initial monologue. I miss S1/S2 normal, adorable
Momo. *sighs*
- Still annoyed with Claire.
At least no more ugly wig and no more Elle's bangs. Let's make it no more sylar/claire too, please?
- P&P&Zombies!
- The Veronica Mars storyline? I bet was Gretchen, who is a member of the Carnival. Surprise me if you can, show!
- And then we have the patented "Claire's jump"TM from a window. Keeping your ability secret? You are doing it wrong.
Hiro and Ando.
Yet another retcon, Heroes? really? A fortune teller told me "your will be a powerful hero" from that moment he started his quest to became a hiro. Not his father telling Tazeko Kensei stories? WHY, HEROES? WHY??? *is sad*
I really really wanted to like them again, but I just found myself FF their parts after that.
How time traveling works on this show? Can really Hiro change just one thing without affecting the rest? Really? uff.
Hiro keeps running into little!Hiro, and talking and touching and... at least kudos to little!Hiro who almost recognized him, it's just the the umpteenth time they met.
ah ah Sandra got another man! Yes! YES! CHEERS TO YOU SANDRA!
Urgh, So now you now have a conscience and want to safe the specials, Noah? And I am supposed to feel pity for you and your empty fridge because you lost is family? Really? REALLY? LOL!
It's always too little, you deserve to suffer a lot more... I love HRG, can you tell? (sarcasm)
The Hatitian Sensation! (please TK DO NOT GIVE HIM A NAME)
Oh hi there, Deus EX Machina. It has been a pleasure to see you again. No, we don't need you anymore tonight, even in the very next scene we talked about erasing someone's mind... what's your power again?
I'm liking Tracy. I really hope they don't pair her with HRG, therefore screwing her. She is being kick-ass all by herself, she doesn't need a man.
At last, the Carnival.
- I don't understand what's Samuel intention, let's hope we don't have yet another BIG SCARY VILLAINS whose intentions and plans are never explained. And what is his ability anyway? Not clear at all. Glad to hear that he became a regular. Let's hope they've finally found a new villain and can kill Sylar for real, this time.
- I wonder why Tim Sale drawing MUST BE in every season. Tim Sale agent must be really powerful.
- The little knives fight "a la Matrix" was interesting, even if... Peter technically just borrowed super-speed from the guy, not his skill with the knives. Whatever, writers, as usual.
- The broken compass will lead them to Jack Sparrow, Y/Y?
Conclusion: Dear Heroes, you are intelligent but you don't apply yourself enough, still no love, me.
PS: Everyone should
read this. Is the most hilarious Heroes recaps I've EVER read. Sadly just up to Volume3.
Really, don't read it at work or while drinking. You'll cry from the laughs. It's long but totally worth it. Enjoy.
and from the same author, the HEROES PLOT TABLE.