So, they do it. They killed Elle.
In the lamest possible way, I must add.
I was prepared after discover that infamous pic, but that was really a nonsensical death in too many ways I can't describe:
Sylar's refusal to kill Elle in Episode 9 makes no sense now.
Sylar's redemption arc in Season 3 makes no sense.
Elle's character 180 degree twist with no purpose make no sense.
Elle&Sylar retcon in 3.08 makes no sense.
Elle&Sylar character building and relationship building makes no sense.
Sylar sacrificing his own life for her 30 minutes before makes no sense.
Sylar motivation from S1 and S2 too, are discarded too.
all in 30 seconds.
she is a fighter, why should she laid there without attempting to electrocute him? why she whimpers and not screams? she seems almost grateful that he kill her? resigned?
HE NEVER KILLED FOR THE SAKE OF KILLING... he kills for powers (s1) or for his own advantage (Alejandro, the guy in mexico in s2) or for vengeance (Chandra), but he has her power, and don't see any benefit for him by killing her neither revenge. I want a real motivation. Is not the "hunger", he got his power back before the beach scene... so why they made him kill her? that way? meh!
What's the point of all this? I don't get it, really.
now I understand those who were pissed after adam's death.
and they killed Elle, but Maya is still there?
and why teasing us with the "littleNoah baby mama mistery" for months?
and please, if you are resetting Sylar to S1 Sylar, please give him back his intelligence. Angela, Arthur and HRG manipulating him so badly? No way.
Other Stuff
Nathan going bad: its his destiny from S1 future and S3 future. Welcome back S1's Nathan. Not a big surprise...
Peter will be the leader of the terrorist, against the government and his brother? ditto. S1 and S3.
Matt & Daphne: boring boring stuff....
Is HRG a pervert? Apparently he is. Claire is going to the dark side, I can see that. Ah... Claire angry with his father for the whole "I died and you weren't there"? the "I've died before, it's not a big deal" Claire? Please, spare me. (or kill her... )
The Haitian: the only character I really loved in this episode.
Please, kill Hiro. or make him the s1future!hiro
And the big surprise: Sylar is not really a Petrelli?
SERIOUSLY?! I loved this season from the first episode to "eris quod sum". I enjoyed 3.08 & 3.09 only for the Sylar/Elle scenes and the powerless Peter. I didn't like very much 3.10. and the Elle death ruined this one. I used to defend this show, but now I'm really disappointed. I'm not done with this show, I guess, but just for some actor who actually can act: Jack Coleman, Zachary Quinto and Cristine Rose. (and Kristen Bell.... sob :( )
I fear Angela would die at the end of this volume.