A rant about Outlander fandom. You may probably take offense by some of these descriptions.
note: those categories overlaps most of the time.
- the Horny Grandmas: they worship Diana Gabaldon, she is their Goddess and everything she does or say is LAW. They happily follow her and imitate her style of writing - the stupid 90's and underscore_between_words and gross comments about sam's ass. Of course they think they have a personal relationship with all people involved in the production.
Behavior on twitter: they tag everyone involved in all their inane conversation because, hey, obviously Cait, Sam and Tobias are interested in how many time your grandnephew pooped today. Except, they don't.
Hint: Stop embarrassing yourself in public. - the Entitled Original Fans ™: They were here from the start! They were following Sam and Cait before they were even rumored to be cast! They run their Original Fanclubs ™! They rise money for their charities! They have met them!
Behavior on twitter: they insert themselves in any conversation the actors have, especially with their real life friends or former co-stars. Because, you know, they are part of the inner circle and they are totally their BFF! Nope, they aren't.
Hint: Tone it down. - the Asskissers: Usually a subgroup of type 1 or/and type 2, they have been waiting for this show to happen for [insert number] years so everything Starz and Writers do is OH SO PERFECT, no criticism allowed.
Behavior on twitter: they'll clog up your timeline if you dare to say you didn't like something.They practically live in fear TPTB would cancel the show if they dare to criticize it.
Hint: as if they'd kill their golden eggs laying goose. - the Tribe/Nations/Hooligans: They are here to defend their favorite actor or character (do they know the difference? do they care?). Mostly overlapping with the asskissers.
Behavior on twitter: compulsively linking and voting fan popularity contests in every entertainment website out there, having hourly meltdown if their favorite drops 0.005 %!
Hint: Start saving money for your carpal tunnel syndrome future surgery. - the Ms Paint Artists: type 1 subgroup, they think they are oh so talented and funny! Hey, they mastered the art of copy-paste badly cropped faces of actors in any possible scenario, often adding their own faces too, the more the merrier!
Behavior on twitter: they flood every social media with their "artistic" productions and memes, tagging everyone. You can't browse any outlander related tag without seeing it.
Hint: None for them, lost cause. For everyone else: keep your brain bleach close.
- the Bloggers/Podcasters: type 2 and 3 combined, they've been here from the start, obsessing about the books even before the show. They've been given preview privileges and red carpets access. Used by Starz PR to build the hype, they now think they are the new Ausiello and Dos Santos.
Behavior on twitter: they have secret twitter accounts where they share what they really think of the show/books.
Hint: Diversify: it's the secret to survive! FSOG is coming, they may need you over there! - the Creepy Wackobites: scary obsessed stalkers, attention whores. Enamored with their own narratives, they harass whoever had a minimal connection with the object of their obsession, to get proofs to support their crazy theories. They get angry at the object of their obsession if doesn't comply to their delusions.
Behavior on twitter: Everything is fair game for them: from aggressively harass people on twitter to slut shaming to share screen-caps of memorial services vids.
Hint:Don't forget to take you pills! - the Protectors: type 3, they feel they need to protect the actors from those crazy type 5.
Behavior on twitter: they attack the type 5 and then tattle tale to Mum Diana Gabaldon and the actors they want to protect from the harshness.
Hint: Stop. Really. Just stop. - the Smug Book Fans: they've read the books and they need to spoiler every single detail of what is coming in every comment section of every review out there. But oh, they didn't do with malice, they are just "so happy the show is finally out they didn't think of it, and anyway, knowing what is coming will push people to read the books!"
Behavior on twitter: telling the actor his character is gonna die in season two
Hint: learn some fandom netiquette. - the Judgmental Bitch: that's me. I judge and side-eye all the previous types whenever I stumble upon them. I don't tag actors, I rant about DG grossness and embarrassing behavior. I keep my outlander musing to my little corner of sane people and my list of "not crazy outlander fans".
Behavior on twitter: muting - blocking - reporting, usually not engaging [if not to ask to stop harassing me].
Hint: don't bother, really. IDGAF. - the Drivers Groupies: They lust after Sam, and would do literally anything to get an autograph or a pic with him. Even (biblically) fuck a OL driver. They believe they have special access and are so specially connected with Sam. Passive aggressive haulier than you.
Behaviour on twitter: They brag about all the things they get because of it, save acting all outraged if someone comments on the details of their personal life they have shared publicly.
Hint: It takes some guts, so I’d suggest to buy some Malox just in case.
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