Introduce my new layout XDD...beautiful isn't it? look at him *point at the banner*. I just hold my breath when I saw him at the magazine preview. Just thank you for
ichigoichie_23 for this beautiful layout. One of my friend (oh yes he is a man) asking me about why I have to hold my breath and make sure nothing bad happen with me XD~ or maybe he just curious.
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sedang lost nih senpai T_T
u even missed it waktu kmrn priz ke jkt :(((
kirain kt bakal kumpul2 lagi hikshiks
*umpan pake poster kame topless*
so sorry tiba-tiba dapat SP buat ikutan workshop jadi ga ngikut ngumpul2 hiks
but you know I still love kame :)
ofc i know u still love kame LOL who doesn't? *got brocked* Kuliah dah sampe mana bu? Msh kan ya?
sayang banget yah...padahal kali ini sempet ngumpul lama, sampe ngater balik ke airport juga. and mimi is going to us soon, so nga tau deh kpn kita bisa kumpul2 lg :( oh well. next time moga2 pasti ada ;P
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