Movie quotes meme

Jan 11, 2005 12:59

Gacked from ashinae

1. Pick one dozen movies that are ones that you have special feelings about.
2. Pick a few lines of dialogue that mean something to you.
3. As people guess the film, strike out that entry.
4. If possible, after the film is guessed, explain why that movie made the list.

It was hard to pick just a dozen... And I'm positive there are AT LEAST a dozen other films I could have quoted, but as I don't have a memory, it's more like a slight dejavu, then I wouldn't be able to remember them too soon. But maybe I can save them for another meme like this, if this one works, eh?

1. Making a film is like a stagecoach ride in the old west. When you start, you are hoping for a pleasant trip. By the halfway point, you just hope to survive. - Day for Night, correctly guessed by emmycrum

2. All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? - The Life of Brian, correctly guessed by un4scene

3. Generally speaking, things have gone about as far as they can possibly go, when things have gotten about as bad as they can reasonably get. - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, correctly guessed by un4scene

4. Optical orbits up front, and remember, we keep our subesophageal ganglia to ourselves. That means you, Jimmy. - Finding Nemo, correctly guessed by lennaofmidearth

5. Great warrior? Wars not make one great. - Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, correctly guessed by ashinae

6. It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, correctly guessed by lennaofmidearth

7. Then this fool went off and had a party, and they all starting trying to pin a tail on me. Then they all got drunk, and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "Piñata! Piñata!" What’s a piñata, anyway? - Shrek 2, correctly guessed by lennaofmidearth

8. Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies. - Ran, correctly guessed by ashinae

9. Come and see the violence inherit in the system! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail, correctly guessed by ashinae

10. I was having a daymare. - Dracula: Dead and Loving It, correctly guessed by ana_br

11. I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

12. My father was a missionary. He was eaten by his Bible class. - The Wrong Box, correctly guessed by emmycrum

EDIT: Ok, I'm making it 15 rather than a dozen because I couldn't help myself!!!

13. I met Death today. We are playing chess. - The Seventh Seal, correctly guessed by emmycrum

14. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut.

15. Sometimes, I guess there's just not enough rocks. - Forrest Gump, correctly guessed by lennaofmidearth

Ok, that's easy to guess! And if anyone can guess #1, #8, #12, or #13, I'll give you chocolate! =D

EDIT 2: It seems I've inspired some other people as well! hehe ana_br and hushed_sirius have memes of their own. Go guess their movies!!!


1. Day For Night: François Truffaut is one of the greatest filmmakers ever, there's no doubt about that. And "Day for Night" is a classic. It's funny, beautiful, and a wonderful insight to movie-making.

2. The Life of Brian / 9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail: I *L*O*V*E* the Pythons and "Holy Grail" is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen in my life!

3. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: It's funny, adorable, touching, and beautiful. It's because of this movie that now Gary Oldman is my favorite actor. I've watched it when I was around 10 years old and it's been stuck in my head ever since. If I had to choose my favorite movie ever, this one would be it, for various reasons.

4. Finding Nemo: My favorite animation film ever! And probably one of the funniest as well. Dory's whale-talking got me laughing on the theatre in a way that no other film has.

5. Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: I've always been a "Star Wars" fan and Episode V will always be a favorite. Why? Well, one word: Yoda.

6. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: This one is still my favorite of the trilogy. It's been stuck in my head after I've seen it in a way that none of the other 2 have. This movie introduced me to the LOTR fandom and I can't get enough of it.

7. Shrek 2: I meant to put the first "Shrek" movie in the list, but this Donkey quote always gets me laughing so hard! I love animation movies, especially because of all the amazing characters created, like Donkey and Puss in Boots, and "Shrek" is such a wonderful film!

8. Ran: Akira Kurosawa is a genious. He is! And if there's one movie that can be considered beautiful, this one is it.

10. Dracula: Dead and Loving It: I'm a Mel Brooks fan. I really am, I admit it! And though this movie is sorta, well, silly, it still gets me laughing out loud. Why? Well, no one can explain zat!

12. The Wrong Box: It's one of the first comedy films I've seen and I absolutely loved it, especially the beginning! Not to mention that right up there with the Pythons and Mel Brooks is another one of my comedy favorites: Peter Sellers!

13. The Seventh Seal: Another classic! The chess game is one of those scenes that will always be on my mind.

15. Forrest Gump: Ok, where do I begin? What's not to like about this film? It's got a wonderful soundtrack, amazing quotes, it's funny, it's touching... Do I really have to go on?

movies, quotes, memes

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