Stargate SG-1: Episode 10x09 "Company of Thieves" // House 3x02 "Cane and Able"

Sep 17, 2006 02:24

Holy F%$#!!! Wilson's just pure evil!!!!!

Oh, wait... right, I almost forgot.


House episode 3x02: "Cane and Able":

= Ok, I think I liked last week's episode better, even though I liked the puzzle on this one. And I'll carry on with my comments for the full ep in just a sec, but before I do that let me just say: Wilson's comment to House and the way he said it? I... just... GUH!

Wilson: You're not always right, House. You've proven that lately.

Wilson... That was LOW! I mean, seriously... Ok, so after reading and hearing comments from various people (particularly stephantom's) about the whole Wilson-and-Cuddy-not-telling-House thing, I changed my mind about agreeing with them and realized that was actually a pretty pathetic way of getting what they wanted. I mean, I understand what they were trying to do, but that was definitely not a very good way to do it.
After this comment by Wilson, I'm more than convinced that they were not doing the right thing. I mean, C'MON! Wilson's supposed to be House's best and only friend! He knew how much pain House was going through, he knew how shaken House was with the last case and, most importantly, he knew pretty damn well that House WAS right! And then he left with his hands to the air like that?!
And then there was the whole offering-House-some-Vicodin thing, which kinda goes against everything Wilson stood for, for the last two years. I mean, everything about that scene was wrong!

Oh, and House on the treadmill right after that made me feel so sorry for him... Jeez... Wilson was just pure evil in this episode. The last scene made me feel sorry for the BFF, but I'll admit Wilson deserved something even worse than that!

= So, for the first time in a long time I actually agreed with Cameron. But I still found her annoying.

= Chase has now become my favorite duckling! Cameron's just annoying, and Foreman hasn't been such a key character since Euphoria.
Besides, the way he handled the kid in this episode was just adorable! Not to mention the guetto!Chase moment that was just hilarious... :)

And I loved this bit:

Kid's dad (angry): I thought you got it all!
Chase: Yeah, yell at me, that will fix the kid.

Love Chase!
And the beginning of the episode where House and the others kept making fun of him with all the alien talk was funny. Yay for Star Wars reference! ^_^

= Ok, so... if Cuddy's not pregnant... then why was she smiling at the end of "Who's Your Daddy?" last season? My guess was that she found out she was pregnant by then 'cause she had that weird oh-my-dreams-came-true smile on her face that made me believe it had worked.
So now I'm just confused...
House talking to her belly was cute. :) He'd make such a cool dad!

= YAY, TEH CANE!!!!!!!!!! :)
On the other hand, poor House!

... and here are my thoughts about the last SG-1 episode as well:

Stargate SG-1 episode 10x09: "Company of Thieves":

= This wasn't a particularly mind-blowing episode, but I have to admit I liked it pretty much! It was funny!

= Vala was my favorite the whole time! She was brilliant. And I LOVED that she was added to the last scene of the opening credits! :) (She walks through the gate along with Daniel!!!! *happy shipper*)
Plus, I'm really happy her funny banters with Daniel are back. I adored the sweet bonding moments we got on the last few episodes, but I was missing the funnier side of the Daniel/Vala relationship. And their moments with Sam were great as well!

Vala (to Daniel): Hmm... That's probably better than our plan.
Daniel: *nods*
Sam: What's your plan?
Daniel: We don't have any.
Sam: Oh.

Daniel: Well, Sam did say it was risky.
Vala: When she's right, she's right.

= Daniel posing as commander was hilarious!

Netan: I was expecting Anateo.
Daniel: Yeees... He was here for a while, but then he... had to go! *smile*

Not to mention my favorite moment:

Daniel: You should probably prepare to return fire.
Odyssey Guy: For the record, I'm always prepared. I just have to press this button here.
Daniel: Right. I-I thought that's what you're supposed to say, so I just...
Odyssey Guy: I know.

= Mitchell and Teal'c were ok, I thought. I was having a lot more fun watching Sam, Daniel, and Vala, but I loved the way Mitchell was so worried about Teal'c, doing anything he could to stop the baddies from torturing him. That was sweet.

Teal'c: What is your plan?
Mitchell: I'm making it up as I go along.
(John Crichton moment!!! ^_^)

= R.I.P. Col Emerson. :( *sniff*
He was a nice guy.

reviews, episodes, tv: stargate sg-1, tv: house

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