House: Episode 3x01 // SG-1: Episode 10x08 // SGA: Episode 03x08

Sep 11, 2006 16:17

So I'm back from a little trip with daddy and baby BRO. Had a great time! I even managed to get some videos of how cute and gigly my brother really is, so if anyone would like to see, just ask me and I'll share them ( Read more... )

reviews, episodes, tv: stargate sg-1, tv: house, tv: stargate atlantis

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stephantom September 11 2006, 20:33:41 UTC
I love Wilson and was glad he was in this episode so much but (as you know if you read my long, rambling posts about this ep - I don't blame you if you don't - they were pretty wordy and ridiculous) he pissed me off a lot in this episode. What you were saying about Cameron questioning everything House does... Wilson, lately, has been doing hte same thing. And lecturing him. And lying to him. And dismissing him. While he made the right decision in refusing to give House the Vicodin perscription, I didn't really think his reasoning was that great, and his delievery was awful. He was completely dismissive of House's very real fear and even accused him of basically making it up - House clearly was truly concerned about the pain returning and it probably took a lot for House to tell him about it.

= I'm really starting to like Cuddy. All things considered, she's one hell of a GREAT boss. And she makes some pretty good decisions and, no matter what, she trusts House. Why else would she have followed his instructions in the end? Like Wilson pointed out, she had no "true" reason to believe in him, but she did. And I love her for that! ^^
Plus, her employer/employee relationship description was great: "I get what I want and you don't."

That was a great line. I like Cuddy a lot, but I don't know why this ep made you like her more than others. I was pretty annoyed with her (much like Wilson). She and Wilson have like... conspired to be House's keepers and "put him in his place" or something. I mean, she's always been shutting House down and stuff, because he does need some limits, but he does get hunches and he always plays on those hunches and tests his theories - and often times, at great risk - though in this particular case, at the end, there was no risk... And the benefit if he was correct was so great... There was no reason for her to say no. Except that she thought House's motivations were wrong?? She was willing to deny a patient that chance at recovery... because of a doctor's pyschological issues?? That's ridiculous. Thankfully, she did come to her senses and do it after all.

But then she let Wilson talk her into keeping House in the dark...

And no, I don't think that was character growth at the end for House. I think that was just plain defeat. He looked and sounded do utterly defeated - like he had given up on himself and the hopes he had had for himself after his "No Reason" hallucination. He wanted to help the guy - and he wanted to really want to help the guy too - but everyone kept telling him that all he wanted was to solve a puzzle. So then he's left thinking, "I guess everyone's right - I'm horrible. Why try. Might as well just go take some Vicodin." It's a horrible state that Wilson has allowed him to be left in.

If they had shut him down before one of the riskier tests he had tried on the guy, and then refused to tell him when one of those turned out right... then I would be more inclined to agree with them. But that's not the case.

Plus, when Wilson was lecturing him, he told him that the 5th level of happiness was knowing that you had a positive effect on someone's life. And that's exactly what he denies House at the end. He could have taken that opportunity to say - look: this is it - this is meaning, this is happiness - you saved someone's life. But no. He decided it was more important to teach House some humility.

Sigh. I don't know.

Well, anyway.

I do hope to see some House vids from you soon. :)

Oh, and other, lighter thoughts on that ep:

Chase has grown on me quite a bit as well. He's been my favorite duckling for a while. Heh. And House/Cameron... I have never and will never buy that ship. Ah, well.


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