Stargate Atlantis: Episodes 1x12 and 1x23

Aug 02, 2006 11:39

Ok, I'll make a mental note to myself to try and improve my fluffy, shippy vidding. It obviously needs work!

But anyway, I've missed commenting on episodes for a while, so... as I'm watching the SGA episodes I haven't seen yet (which is like... a season and a half!) I'll be commenting on them. If I remember to do so. And if I feel like it. Oh, anyway, here's it:

Episode 1x12 The Defiant One:

= Oh how I loved McKay on this! He was really worried about the... Dr. Whats-His-Name. And he was really trying to make him feel better, being with him for as long as he could. And Dr Whats-His-Name was a nice guy to McKay as well, letting him go. They were great in this episode...

= I loved Sheppard and McKay... They're such a great team, when they actually get to work as a team.

= LOL "MAJOR!!! What do I do now???" McKay's my hero!!!

Episode 1x13 Hot Zone (running commentary)

= Prime numbers... Now that's a really lame way to spend your time. I'm amazed at how Ford didn't just shoot them.

= lol Ok, even I know that wasn't prime.

= You know what? McKay's a good leader!

= Does it feel good to see Sheppard getting his butt kicked by a girl, or is it just me? :)

= I knew that guy would be trouble. Wanting to go back when everyone decided to stay? He's definitely going to be trouble.

= Very good, you moron! You know you're infected and you just keep going! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE KILL HIM?

= Oh no, not McKay!

= Aw! Sheppard and Weir just wanna protect each other!

= lol Poor guy... Either he'll be fired by Sheppard when he follows Weir's orders, or by Weir when he follows Sheppard's orders. Definitely wouldn't want to be in his place.

= Does anyone else just love it when Sheppard calls her Elizabeth???

= Dude, you're so dead!


= lol The city RULES! It's much smarter than they are.

= AWWW McKay!!!

= Why did McKay survive? Hmm... Ancient gene, maybe???

= AHA! I rule!!!

= lol McKay and Zelenka can't even high-five each other!

= You know what? I bet the Ancients created the virus. I bet the Ancients have been the bad guys from the beginning and no one has really noticed it yet! Just because they created the rings and the stargates is everyone supposed to assume that they've got good intentions? Heck no!

Now I've noticed I need a SGA icon...

And I also need one that says "Oh God! I stepped on Michael Shanks!!" Ben Browder amuses me.

reviews, episodes, tv: stargate sg-1, icons, tv: stargate atlantis

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