House episode 2x23: Who's Your Daddy?

May 17, 2006 13:12

This was a really interesting episode... some pretty good stuff here.

OH! And if anyone could share the preview for next week with me, I'd be eternally grateful!!!

Pretty please?


House, M.D. episode 2x23: "Who's your daddy?":

= So... House's leg hurts more than usual... That's never a good sign. House's leg is like Spiderman's "spider sense", whenever there's trouble, it starts hurting more than usual.
OH! And House has a hidden stash of morphine at home?! WTF???

= G-MAN IS THE BEST NICKNAME EVER!!! Well, at least for House it is. ;)

= It was interesting to see House with another friend than Wilson. I mean, Crandall (is that his name?) looked like a nice guy. And House cares about him... I mean, ok, so there was the whole he-stole-his-girlfriend guilt... but still, what he did at the end, making both the kid and Crandall believe that she was his daughter? Really sweet of him.

= By the way, that got me wondering (again!) on how House and Wilson became friends. Crandall looked a lot like Wilson... especially if you think of a much younger Wilson that would believe in anything House would say 'cause he still didn't know the guy enough to tell when he's lying.
House seemed to care for Crandall because he felt guilty... Does guilt have anything to do with the BFF as well???
I DO hope the writers somehow explain this to me... I'm dying to know how it happened!

= I guess House/Cuddy was the major focus in this episode (beside the patient, of course)... And I loved it! I mean, not in a shippy way, but I do love their interaction. And this showed that they do care about each other and they trust each other completely. That was really sweet.
House interviewing "contestant #2"? Hilarious. Especially when Cuddy opened the drawer on House's lap.
Cuddy's office scenes? Really sweet... And hot!

= Is... Cuddy pregnant???
I really got that feeling at the end. She had that sort of "my dreams came true" smile on her face, so I really got the feeling she was pregnant... with House's kid.
Maybe I interpreted that wrong, but that's the feeling I got from it. Which leads to another question... Why would House want to have a kid?

= The House/Cameron roleplaying thing was really funny. :) "I'm so scared... Hold me!"

= I loved the House/Wilson scenes.
Ok, that's not really new by now, but still... they had some great interaction... as usual. I loved that scene where they were both wrestling over Wilson's food. :)
And, of course there was the "It's not what it looks!" scene. Hehehe I love House.

= House's face melting? C.R.E.E.P.Y!!!!!
Dude, that scene was TEH creepiest thing ever! I mean... although that kid with the burn in "Distractions" that first looked like the guy from Clockwork Orange, then got all covered in maggots really comes close too.
And of course there was the whole thing with House torturing the poor girl!
This can be a really scary show when it wants to.

= What the heck did Wilson wanna say to House at the end???

= By the way! House's answering machine? LOVED IT!

Favorite quotes:

House's answering machine: You've reached a number that has been disconnected and is no longer in service. If you feel you've reached this recording in error, go with it. Hang on, on 3. 1, 2...

Cuddy: I thought I'd met all your friend.
(Didn't we all?)

Cuddy: House, I need you. Now.
House: Yes, mistress.
(the kid also loved it! ^^)

House: I'm a really good secret keeper. I never told anybody that Wilson wets his bed. Oh! You tricked me.

Wilson: You didn't run the test?
House: Said I wouldn't.
Wilson: Ok. So either you lied or he has pictures of you being nice?

Wilson: I find it very comforting, you defending a man you haven't seen in years. To know my friend, no matter what, will always be my champion, my protector...
House: I'm not protecting him, I'm smacking her.
Wilson: Modesty of a true hero!

Wilson: Here's my theory: you're jealous. He's maturing, he's accepting responsibility, you're... emotionally stuck at 17.

Wilson: So you gave him advice and she dumped him?
House: No. I told him I would talk to her.
Wilson: And you blew it?
House: Technically... [motions the other way around]

Foreman: Unless you can tell me Miles Davis couldn't play stoned...
House: Played better when he wasn't. I think. I mean, no one knows for sure.

Foreman: She lied to you. She's your kid, get used to it.

and my favorite:

House: Three rules for hunting fungus: Location, location, location.


Only one more episode to go, people.



Is it next week yet????

ETA: I'm changing the layout on my journal. So... it might look all funky for a while.

reviews, episodes, tv: house

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