House episode 2x21: Euphoria, part 2

May 05, 2006 02:09

I loved this episode. I think part 1 was better, but this one was SO emotional... Oh, well, better spoiler-cut.


House, M.D. episode 2x21: "Euphoria, part 2":

= I loved this! And I'm really glad Foreman didn't die... even though I thought that was pretty obvious, 'cause... well, he's Foreman! You could NEVER replace a character like Foreman. So yeah, he was gonna live.
Still, this episode was fantastic. I love this show!

= You know what I find EXTREMELY funny? The way all fans reacted to the possibility of Steve McQueen dying to save Foreman. lol That's just fantastic! I read episode reviews and comments and they were all "OMG, DON'T KILL STEVE!!!!", "I'm SO glad Steve lived!!!" and etc. ... LOL I love the fandom. Steve is SUCH the fandom's pet... ^_^ We all love him!
And even though Stacy is gone from the show, Steve being there still keeps alive the House/Stacy ship. He's their rat! He brought them together.
But, yeah, I was also screaming when House kept exposing Steve. And when Wilson went "You infected STEVE?!" I was like, "THANK YOU, Wilson! My point, exactly!". Still, this shows just how much House cared about saving Foreman... he was willing to sacrifice Steve! That's saying something.

= I LOVED EXAM ROOM 1!!! That scene with the little kid? LMAO!!!!!!!! One of the best clinic scenes in a LONG time!!!!! I loved the little kid "You're a goof!"... HAHAHA Dude! House amuses me to no end...

House: She's saying yoo-hoo to the hoo-hoo... marching the penguin... yaya-ing the sisterhood... finding Nemo...

LOL I loved this scene. The whole going-crazy-with-the-flash-light-thing had me laughing OUT LOUD! That was fantastic. And the high five at the end was CUTE!
Gotta share that scene. Will do it!

= Omar Epps was perfect in this episode. At times his sadness was just so touching, then he looked scary, then you could SEE the damn pain was way too much for him... Full of emotion! Fantastic! Particularly in the scenes between Foreman and Mr Foreman, his dad.
OH, by the way, I LOVED Foreman's father. I loved how he let House do his job since he knew absolutely nothing of all that medical thing, and how he was so worried about his son...
Plus, there was the "He says you're the best doctor he's ever worked with" scene with House, which was fantastic. You could see that line had a huge impact on House... Really great!

= By the way, that scene with House and Foreman talking about pain... Also fantastic. Particularly the moment when Foreman mentioned the pain, House knew what he was going through. Remember Three Stories? The guy knows pain, he knew what Foreman was going through.
And there are so many parallels between this episode and Three Stories... the pain, the probably-unnecessary procedure... But, of course, if we go this way, we can also compare House/Stacy with Foreman/Cameron... which only gives more arguments to the Cam/Foreman shippers. I'll be getting to this particularly subject in a sec.

= I'm glad we had more Wilson. I'm really glad! And I'm also glad he stood beside Cameron in a scene.
HEY, I'm a shipper, remember? And the way they've been having NO interaction at all lately really gets to me. So I'm happy for the simple fact they were in the same frame together.

= Cameron was really great in this episode, facing House and Cuddy like that. She was definitely emotionally involved in this case, it made her act differently. As it did with House, really... Actually, House and Cameron sort of played each other's roles in this ep, with House wanting to go on the safe side and Cameron wanting to push all the limits.
I'm not sure that's a good thing or not, I just thought it was really interesting.

= Ok, now... about Foreman/Cameron... Well, I LOVED it. They're SO my new OTP. I mean, sure, my main one is still Wilson/Cameron, that will probably never change, but between House and Foreman, I'd rather she end up with Foreman.
I loved all the moments between Foreman and Cameron... the big ones AND the little ones. They were fantastic! Foreman appologizing (calling her "Allison"... *glee*), then Cameron saying "No!", but still looking kinda shocked. Then when he was about to go out, she was all "I forgive you!" and the fact that it was the last thing he heard before he was on a coma really meant a lot.
And, of course, there was the crying when Foreman woke up... That was truly sweet.
So, yeah, I'm probably shipping Foreman/Cameron now. Although, I might just be in for the new BFF, I don't know. That depends on how the next few episodes will play out, but from what we've had so far, I think I'm going to the shipping side. ;) *waves new ship 'hello'*

Time to finish that music video!! *goes excited*

reviews, episodes, tv: house

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