
Sep 11, 2005 20:24


[music| "I against I" ~ Mos Def & Massive Attack]

I liked what hushed_sirius did, posting Firefly quotes when she was bored... So I decided I'll do the same right now with Farscape, 'cause, you see, I truly am bored. I only picked some funny/silly ones (apart from a few exceptions) because I need some cheering up if I am to survive a few more arns hours without vidding.

If I don't get a new vid idea soon, for anything (HP, LOST, LOTR, any movie I own!), I'll go nuts. I mean, I already have. I mean, I'll go worse. I mean, I'll just shut up now.

Episode 1x01: Premiere

John: Boy, was Spielberg ever wrong. Close encounters my ass!

John: Don't move! Or I'll fill you full of... little yellow bolts of light!

Aeryn: It is my duty, my breeding since birth, it's what I am.
John: You can be more.

John: And there's life out here Dad. Weird, amazing... psychotic life. And uh, in Technicolor.

Episode 1x02: I, ET

John: Well if she can't she can't. We can stick or heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye. (everyone else looks confused) It's a saying.

Rygel: OK? No, I'm not OK. We're in mud! Under the mud.
Aeryn: You're Hynerian. You're aquatic. What's your problem?
Rygel: Aquatic. That's water, not mud. Mud is.... mud! You can't breathe in it, you can't move in it. It holds ya, it grabs ya, it sucks you down. You want to know about mud? I know about mud!
John: Guys know mud.

Rygel: Wake up you worthless weak shank of loose flesh!

John: I wish there was more I could do.
Lyneea: You've altered the perceptions and beliefs of an entire planet.
John: Yeah, guess that's enough for one day.

Episode 1x03: Exodus From Genesis

John: How do you say "We're screwed" in your native tongue?

Rygel: If I sit perfectly still, they don't advance...yet when I move...they get... disagreeable!
D'Argo: Right. Don't move.
Rygel: If we ever survive this, Luxan, you must become my advisor!

Aeryn: You know, I always thought that lesser life-forms were useless. Just something to be squashed.
John: Yeah, it''s humbling when you realize that... (understands) You're not talking about the Draks, are you? (Aeryn simply smiles) Fine. Well, on behalf of lesser life-forms everywhere, I accept the...compliment.

Episode 1x04: Throne For a Loss

Zhaan: Am I the only species in creation who doesn't thrive on conflict?

John: Pilot, get a tractor beam on that shuttle.
Pilot: Tractor beam? What's that?
John: Graviton field. Attracto ray. Superglue. Whatever it is that you yanked me aboard with!

John: That's your plan?! Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!

John: You shanghai my ass down here and now you want me to lead? Give me one good reason!
Aeryn: Lots of reasons! Land mines, fire snakes, razor grass, night vision snipers, Mollian death spiders...

John: He's an escaped mental patient with delusions of royalty.
Rygel: You're the mental patient if you expect anybody to believe that I--
Bekhesh: He's not insane.
Rygel: I could be.
John: Ah, no...he's not insane, but...ah...he is sick. (Rygel coughs) He's very sick, very contagious. You ever hear of chicken pox?
Bekhesh: He's not sick.
John: Right. He's not sick, but he...but he is worthless.

Episode 1x05: Back and Back and Back to the Future

John: Would you listen to me? Look, open your ears...or your tentacles...or whatever orifice it is you listen with!

Matala: I'm curious about Crichton.
Zhaan: Far too complex, I'm afraid, for you to know in the short time that you'll be here. I suggest you shouldn't try.

Episode 1x06: Thank God It's Friday Again

Aeryn: She gives me a woody. (John gives Aeryn an incredulous look) A woody. A human saying. I've heard you say it often, when you don't trust someone or they make you nervous, they give you the--
John: Willies! She gives you...the willies.

Aeryn: We have a situation up here.
John: I'm sure it's not any more interesting that the situation down here.
Aeryn: Well, remember Rygel's 'assassination attempt'? He caused it himself. His body fluids have turned explosive.
John: I stand corrected.

Episode 1x07: PK Tech Girl

Rygel (to Durka's corpse): You once told me I'd never leave the Zelbinion alive. You robbed me of so many cycles. But no matter what you did to me, I'll always remember one thing: you lose.

John: Hey.
Aeryn: A greeting I shall never understand.
John: It's kinda all-purpose. You see, it let's the other person decide what they wanna talk about.
Aeryn: What if they don't want to talk?
John: Then they say `hey' back.
Aeryn: Hey.
John: Well, then the first person who doesn't wanna talk can be trumped if the other person realizes that they need to. Hey.

Episode 1x08: That Old Black Magic

Rygel (to the unconcious John): I don't know why I'm bothering. I don't care what Aeryn thinks, you certainly look dead to me. I don't know your customs for these situations. Not that I care. So I'll give you the Hynerian ceremony of passage and be done with it. (Clears throat.) "John Crichton, valued friend." -- Now wait a minute. "Valued friend" is a bit of a stretch -- John Crichton, unwelcome shipmate... hmm... may you have safe transport to the hallowed realm... hmm...actually, not our hallowed realm. That's for Hynerians. Go find your own hallowed realm! With the ceremony complete, I declare you officially dead and claim all your possessions for myself.

Episode 1x09: DNA Mad Scientist

Aeryn: I've never been on my own, John. Never been alone. Ever.
John: When I find a way home -- IF I find a way home -- I'll take you with me.
Aeryn: Me, on a planet full of billions of you?

Aeryn: I've always thought of myself in terms of survival -- life and death, keeping the body alive. But what NamTar did to was me...inside...the real me.
John: You would've fit in on Earth. Just fine.

Episode 1x10: They've Got a Secret

John: Right D'Argo, I'm in. Where is the Peacekeeper panel?
D'Argo: What do you see?
John: Infinity.
D'Argo: Then you're close either way.
John: Thanks a lot.

Episode 1x11: Til the Blood Runs Clear

Rygel: One would think one could grab a few miserable arns of sleep without being shaken from one's bed.
Zhaan: Rygel, why must one always only think of one?

Rolf: We are Vorcarion Blood Trackers - the best.
John: Second best. I'm Butch. This is Sundance.

D'Argo: Every time I let down my guard, you disappoint me.
John: Sorry, I'm only human.
D'Argo: You look so much like a Peacekeeper, I often forget.

tv: farscape, quotes

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