Vid update!

Sep 26, 2011 09:32

Remember what I said about finishing the vid this weekend? Yeaaah, I didn't really think it would happen, either.
BUT I've got a good excuse as to why it didn't go that way! And for me to explain it, I have to reveal part of the mystery surrounding the superseekrit vid: it's sports-related. Now, it being about sports is not really the weird thing about it that still has me wondering why I'm doing this, no. Because in the past I have tried to make sports vids a couple of times. My first try was about a Brazilian beach volleyball team (I love volleyball!), and the second and most recent try was an attempt to vid the 2010 World Cup (I still have all the material for that one. Yeah, 50 GBs of material). I also once thought of making a tribute to the Brazilian national volleyball team, but that project lasted only about four hours before I dropped it.

The crazy thing about this is that it's about a sport that I didn't even LIKE two weeks ago. I did not like it, I didn't really understand it, and I thought it was the most boring sport in the world (after golf. You can't beat golf). I went from coma-induced spectator to raving, obsessed fangirl in a matter of two days. That's a record even for me.
Also, I have never, EVER mentioned it on this LJ before, so I think when I post it, most people will go "OK, now where did THAT come from?".

But anyway, now that THAT is out of the way, here's why the vid didn't evolve much (and now I'm making it sound like it's a pokemon): getting material for sports vids is torture. It's raw, agonizing, almost physical pain. First, you have to find matches with a good enough quality, which in itself is not very pleasant. And you want to find a good number of those too, which makes things SO much easier. And after you're done with that, it's where the real fun begins: watching everything and selecting clips, which in my case came down to pretty much all of the replays and the slow-motion shots, because of the many angles and everything. Yes, watching a dozen matches that last at least 3 hours and selecting clips.
So. Much. Joy.

And yesterday was the day I spent selecting clips from one match that I had been looking for for a while and felt I really needed it in the vid. Why? Don't ask. I don't even know. And I'm well aware that I might have spent a whole day capturing clips (oh yeah, a whole day. The joy.) and I will only use about two of those in the whole thing and it won't make that much of a difference. But when have I ever made things easy for myself, anyway?

OH! And to make matters worse, FCP was not cooperating with my project either. Every time that I started working on it, the clips would go crazy! The ins and outs didn't match, the timeline showed one thing and the preview showed a completely different thing, my markers were all in a different place than what showed up on the timeline, even the audio waveforms were not matching. OMG THE JOY! So the time that I said I would spend finishing it was actually spent starting the whole thing from scratch and getting to the same :40 mark where I was before. Except now it's a New and Improved™ :40 mark.
In the end, that was the best for me anyway, because now things are working fine, I managed to arrange the settings differently, so now the vid itself is in a much better quality (you can SEE things! Magic!!!), and I fixed a couple of clips that were bugging me in the first version and now I think the whole thing works a lot better. Hooray for me!

I really am enjoying this, though. I mean, the song that I'm using is "Devil in disguise" by Elvis! I'm having so much fun editing this, you have no idea! XD

Now I'm HOPING to finish it within the next couple of days. I know I will be spending much of today on it, and hopefully I will get past that godforsaken :43 mark, won't stop at 1:30 (beware the curse!), and then maybe, finally, hopefully, I will have it finished before Wednesday.

Why before Wednesday? Well, why not?

Di out!

projects, vidding

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