Not. Fair.

Sep 09, 2011 10:59

So I was all "YAY! X-MEN FIRST CLASS COMES OUT TODAAAAYYY!!!" but turns out both the DVD and the blu-ray (including that nice collectors edition) will only be released here by the end of the month.


That is not as cruel as they did with TRON: Legacy, but it's still pretty darn cruel!
NOT FAIR!!! *shakey fist*

ON OTHER NEWS, I've got a pretty Sherlock DVD now (I didn't even know the show was going to be released here! Imagine my surprise when I saw it hanging around at the DVD store! I'm pretty sure I started sounding like one of the seagulls from Finding Nemo going "Mine! Mine! Mine!" ;P) and I rewatched The Great Game yesterday, which made me want to vid the show again.
Because I still need to make a vid with all 3 episodes. I promised myself I would do one and so far I got nothing. I've got to change that, I've got to vid something!
... actually, I've got to find a song first, but after that, I've got to vid something. ;)

I wonder what will be finished first, the XMFC vid or the Sherlock vid?
Hopefully, I won't take too long to make both!

projects, film: x-men first class, tv: sherlock, vidding, dvds

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