Merlin 3x10

Nov 13, 2010 22:23

OK, show... It's time we sit down and have a serious talk.
What do you say?

So here's the thing... I love Arthur/Gwen with all my heart, they are my OTP in this show (Merlin/Morgana used to come in a very close second but now that all Morgana can do is smirk evily and evily smirk while doing evil things with a smirk, I have to say I'm getting tired of her already), and I love them and yadda yadda... BUT that doesn't mean I'm going to take any 'shippy thing for granted. NUH-UH! I'm not that easy, show!

Like I told ana_br, this felt like the first draft for a really, really good episode. It's like they had many ideas that still needed a bit of polishing here and there.

- Arthur & Gwen (What? I AM shipper!).
The picnic scene was sweet and lovely, and WHOA THAT KISS! You know which one! The one when they're both being dragged away! *heart skips a beat*
- Gwen & Merlin.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: I LOVE their friendship! The two of them giggling when they watched Arthur was so adorable! He was so happy for her and Arthur, he was so protective of her when she was being banished, he looked SO PROUD of her on that vision. Speaking of which...
- Morgana's vision.
This goes out to everyone who ever called Gwen ugly. She looked AMAZING in that scene! Stunning, beautiful... I loved it!
- Uther accusing Gwen.
I loved that scene! Not just the Arthur/Gwen kiss and how furious Arthur looked, but I loved the continuity, with Uther mentioning Gwen's father. And then Gwen noticing Morgana's evil smirk of evil. IT'S ABOUT TIME SOMEONE SAW IT!!!!
- Camelot's guards still being their useless selves!
I love these guys, people. One day, I will make a musical tribute to them, they so deserve it!

- Uther and Arthur's first confrontation.
All of a sudden, Arthur told Uther about his feelings, but then Uther said he was banishing Gwen and Arthur just stood there, with that dull look on his face??? Grow a pair, Pendragon! Confront him, come on! DO SOMETHING!
- Morgana and Old!Merlin
Morgana knew "Dragoon" was lying and she didn't do anything? She didn't even talk to him or raise suspicion of him? Plus, he had magic too, didn't she think of... I don't know, trying to save him? Maybe asking him to join her and Morgause since Dragoon obviously hated Uther? I just didn't like her lack of a proper reaction to him.
- post-Dragoon Arthur
So... Arthur is being watched and observed in one scene and all worried about saving Gwen, but in the next scene we see him in the corridor with the guards, walking down the castle all free and OK and without a care in the world??? WTF???? And he didn't find it the least bit suspicious that Merlin would choose to spend the day in the tavern when a good friend of his is about to die???? Didn't he think it was weird that this old man suddenly showed up and helped him and Gwen for no reason????
- post-Dragoon Gwen
I really didn't like that we saw nothing of Gwen after "Dragoon" showed up. And when she did show up, it's like everything was back to normal. Even though she almost got killed and it's now clear that she and Arthur can't have their moment together without risking everything.
But seriously where WAS she at the second half of this episode????
- Dragoon being sentenced to death and then doing NOTHING!
OK, this is the thing that made me furious. He was being sentenced to death. For all he knew, he'd die! And he did NOTHING to try and escape? How many times has Merlin blown up a cell door before in this series? Why didn't he do it now, of all times? Why didn't he use magic until it was too late? I mean, it's ok to make a helmet bang Arthur's head but it's not ok to use magic to escape certain death???

ETA: Totally forgot to mention this, even though this was one of the reasons for me to write this post in the first place, so here we go: where was Elyan?????

I'm telling you, it's like they had two completely different episodes there... and one had nothing to do with the other.
Which is a shame, this episode had so much potential.

So YEAH, SHOW! I may be a shipper, but I'm not taking any shippy thing for granted! *points* Hear me?? Good.
... but yeah, the shippy thing was really great. :P

reviews, episodes, otp: gwen/merlin, tv: merlin, otp: gwen/arthur

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