I totally stole this idea from
ageless_aislynn's vid rec post, and I hope she won't mind. I just have been watching so many wonderful vids on YouTube these days, and I'm too addicted to a few of them to NOT share them here!
If you've got nothing else to do today, check at least one of those out. They're great! :)
Vid recs!!! (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Arrested Development, House, and a bonus *wink wink* )
1. Ooo, that was marvelous! What awesome manips to really sell the story! I liked the idea of Martha/Mickey but would've really liked to have seen them together a lot more than we did, so it felt more organic than just a sort of tacked on "surprise." :S That vid really filled in the gaps so very nicely! I loved it! \o/
2. Oh now, that was brilliant! That song was just an excellent choice for Sherlock, it has the proper degree of swagger that he would want, lol! Love, love, LOVE it! *applause* ♥♥♥!!!
3. I'm not familiar with the show but the editing was snappy and awesome and it was SO entertaining to watch! (And *blush* that's one of my guilty pleasure songs, I can't help myself, lol! ;) )
4. *glee* Oh, what a fantastic House vid! I started giggling with delight when he did the drumroll along with the song near the very start, lol! ;)
5. BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, I remember that movie, too! Holy rubber shark, Batman, lol! *dies of giggles all over again* Oh, thanks so much for that, I really needed a good laugh, lol! :D
Thanks so much for all of those recs, I really enjoyed watching them! *squishes you* ♥♥♥!!!
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