[Picspam] Kaká&Robinho... Wait, WHAT?????

Jul 05, 2010 03:38

Here's the thing: I hate football.

No, seriously. I do.

The only sport I really, REALLY like is volleyball. However, once every four years, I get all wrapped up in World Cup craze and a sudden feeling of nationalism takes over me, making me want to watch every game and cheer for my national team as if they're playing my favorite sport in the whole wide world.
That's why I got so upset when we lost. But, since I REALLY don't care about this damn sport, I was over it within a couple of hours, at most.

During that couple of hours, though, I went around "the internets" and Tumblr, looking for things to cheer me up and I ended up finding a lot of pictures of the Brazilian squad. Well, mostly Kaká! :P And sometimes people would include Robinho or any of the other guys, but it was mostly Kaká. And one of the things I started noticing is that there seems to be some sort of weird Bromance thing going on with Kaká and Robinho...
No, honestly, it went like this: "Aw! Kaká is cute. Look! He's with Robinho, that's nice! Look, another one with Robinho! And another one! And another one! HOLY CRAP, ARE THOSE TWO GLUED TO EACH OTHER!?"

So, in order to try and cheer up my fellow Brazilians and to remind ourselves why we love our team and why it's not the end of the world, I've compiled a PICSPAM of the Bromance between two of our stars, Kaká and Robinho.

The best part is it didn't even take me that long to make it! The only difficult part was narrowing down the pics from 87 to 45.
(lol honestly, I got all those 87 pics within minutes! They really are always together. Just Google "Kaka and Robinho" and you'll see for yourself!)

Ok, so one of the most traditional things in football is what I like to call the "GOAL PARTEH". I guess it's a direct result of the fact that NOTHING EVER HAPPENS IN A FOOTBALL MATCH DURING 90% OF THE TIME!!! So when they finally get to score a goal, it needs to be celebrated as if it's the first goal ever scored in the history of football. Sometimes there's dancing. Sometimes there's a whole team jumping over and piling up the scorer (who then nearly suffocates and probably regrets ever doing it).
Kaká and Robinho (and everyone else, to be honest) like to celebrate their scored goals by jumping on each other's backs and/or hugging each other (sometimes in mid-air).
It doesn't actually prove my point of there being a Bromance, since it IS a tradition and it involves the whole team, but it's cute so I had to add it. :P

You might love Robinho as a player or hate him, but you can't deny that he looks like a really nice guy to hang out with.
He's always laughing and smiling, and making the others around him laugh as well. He's like the class clown of the Brazilian squad. He and Kaká look like they genuinely have a great time when they're together. If you look closely, you'll see that Kaká always looks like he suffers from an incurable case of The LOLz when he's with him.
He's also, apparently, quite the prankster. Like that time when Kaká was joining Real Madrid and Robinho started spreading the rumor that Kaká only listened to the Backstreet Boys (yeah! Like he's one to talk!). And, acording to him, Kaká is quite the goofball when the cameras aren't rolling. Judging by these pictures, I believe him!

Come on, they have their own secret handshake and everything! They are clearly Bros!

One of the things I admire the most about my national team, and about Kaká and Robinho in particular, is the fact that, even with all the pressure and the demands of a World Cup, they still manage to have some fun. And I don't mean fun like the "fun" that the damned team of 98 had during that Cup, up to and including, THE NIGHT BEFORE THE FRELLING FINAL, that cost us the victory (that's why I HATE Ronaldo and nearly all those guys. There's a fine line between having fun and being irresponsible).
No! I mean that they do their job and train like they're supposed to, but always with a smile on their face, always laughing and always having a good time. Also, in nearly EVERY SINGLE PICTURE of the guys training in this World Cup, Kaká and Robinho were together. Sometimes it was just the two of them, sometimes the two of them with Elano (or Luis Fabiano). Only about 5% had them with other people.
In other words, they are clearly BFFs. ;)

In a completely unrelated note, I can't help but notice how football uniforms are like F1 racing cars, in that every inch of them is covered by sponsorship. I must say I liked the black+yellow going on there, though!

Being the good BFFs 4EVAH that they are, they are still together even when the going gets tough. They suffer together, they argue with the referee together (even though the guy on the ground in that third picture there looks like he might have lost an eye, so whatever it is that Kaká is saying he didn't do and whatever Robinho is yelling to the referee's back to defend him while totally being ignored though he doesn't seem to care, I'm willing to bet that he DID do). Kaká actually rarely gets to lose his nerve during a match. Robinho is definitely the more hot-headed of the two.
Everyone knows that the two of them weren't playing to their full potential in this World Cup, but they're still great players. Whenever they are in sync with each other and the rest of the team, there's just no stopping them!

I know that bottom left picture doesn't belong to this group, but I had no other place to put it. And I had to add it, because... you know... lol

If you didn't think they were BFFs before, I DARE you to look at this group of pictures and still try to deny it! I've never seen two players hugging each other (even in training!!!) as much as those two. Or laughing as much.
I don't know about you people, but I smile simply by looking at those pictures. They had fun! That's what really matters in the end. And that's why I still think our guys are the best: they're doing what they love, and having a great time doing it. We didn't get it this time, big deal! We'll have other opportunities. My only hope is that, if Kaká and Robinho don't stick around for 2014, the next team will be just close as this one.

So... Am I right or AM I RIGHT????
Still in need of convincing? HERE, HAVE SOME GIFS:

Also, WATCH THE ACTUAL VIDEO (it's really short, but so cute!).
As the cool kids are saying these days, AREN'T THEY ADORBS?????

I still can't belive I made a football-related spam. I never would have guessed that my first sport-related spam in this LJ would be about football, I would definitely have put my money on volleyball.

That just proves how partial I am to cute and adorable BFFness, no matter what context it's in.

Also, it makes me really, really glad that the World Cup only happens once every 4 years... :P

brazil, pic!spam, sports: world cup

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