Fringe!!! :D

May 21, 2010 03:26

It feels so weird to be squeeing for episode 16 of the first season when everyone else is discussing (maybe squeeing?) the second season finale. Late much???

But hey, I can't help it! There are a few things about it that I just have to say!

Fringe 1x16 Unleashed
The problem with starting to watch a show so late is that, when I wasn't watching it, I just never bothered to stray away from spoilers because 1) they didn't concern me; 2) I didn't know what they meant anyway.
So I know that Peter is from another dimension. I'm not entirely sure what it means or how it happened, but I know he is.
Also, I know that Leonard Nimoy plays William Bell (that's the character name, right?), and while it will of course not be a shock when he shows up, I'm still looking forward to it a great deal.

What does this have to do with this particular episode?
Well, Peter and Walter pretty much broke my heart! Walter sacrificing himself to save everyone (well, almost, but it's the thought that counts) was so amazing and touching, but even worse was watching Peter all desperate to get to him, when they'd spent the whole episode arguing over... well, ears on omelets.
I love how they're growing as father and son. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. However, whenever scenes like this happen, I can't help but suffer in advance for the angst that I KNOW will turn up in the future when Peter finds out the truth.

Not fair!!!!

The monster thing was scary and cool! I kinda liked the ending with Olivia hearing its sound at night and then turning the light on to sleep. That's basically what I do every night, only now I have even more reasons to do so! I mean, there could be a snake-tiger-bat creature (Snigerbat? Basniger? What the hell would you call that thing?) out to either kill me or impregnate me with worms!

I'm sooo glad Charlie is alive!!! ♥
He's awesome and I've always loved his friendship with Olivia. :)

Quotable QuotesPeter: It's an omelet.
Walter: It's not an omelet!
Peter: Oh, my...ugh! Walter, why is there an ear in the omelet?
Walter: It was an experiment. It was a protein-rich incubator. It was growing.
Peter: It was growing? That's perfect.
Walter: No, it's not perfect. You just ruined it!
Astrid: So this thing has the claws of a lion and the fangs of a snake?
Walter: It reminds me of a woman I once knew in Cleveland.
Peter: Walter, these punctures are over four inches apart. And that would make this snake eight-feet long.
Walter: Her name was Harriet something.
Olivia: How is everything?
Peter: Well, apparently you're looking for a lion-snake named Harriet.
Olivia: Walter, I need you to tell me what exactly you would need to create a genetic hybrid. Like, specific items, so I can see if Robert Swift bought any of it.
Walter: I would need some sodium bicarbonate and a house in the country, a place to be alone in my thoughts. Some Mahler for the late nights. And time. A lot of time.
Peter: Are you okay?
Walter: Yes. Although when I mentioned that the poison would kill me within the hour, did either of you happen to notice the time?

Basically, I love Walter! :)

reviews, episodes, tv: fringe

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