Music vid recs

May 13, 2005 12:32

Oh my, thanks for all the comments for my last oh-so-pissed post! I didn't have the time to reply to all of them, but I will as soon as I can.:)
Feel free to link to that post whenever you guys run into any vid clip theft problem or anything.:)

I'm much better I'm actually leaving soon and I'll hopefully be back on Sunday, so I just thought I'd leave something for you guys here. hehe I'm always watching music videos and I see many people have some rec lists at their website, so I just thought I"d rec a few vids I've been watching for quite some time. I've made some thumbnails for them just because I felt like doing some.:P
I meant to do 10 vids, but I'm running out of time here, so it'll be just 5, but I'll rec some more when I get back.:D

by Fox Gloves
Theme: The Marauders
Harry Potter/State of Grace (+ Chicago and The Scarlet Letter)

I didn't mean to rec any LOTR or HP vid, but... Gah! My Prongs... She KNOWS I love the Marauders, she KNOWS I love State of Grace... She obviously KNEW I'd love this vid. lol
Seriously, though, it's brilliant. She made a quick sequence for all 4 of them (+ some Lily in the middle) with the perfect song. My favorite bits were the James/Peter one and the one with Sirius crying with flashes of Lily and James.
Brilliant job, hon!

by Meghan
Theme: LOST

This is a very good vid... I mean *really* good vid... It focuses on all main characters from LOST and it's set to a song I'd never heard before. I loved how she managed to show all of their struggles on the Island and everything that happened in each of their pasts. The black and white shots were also fabulous! It's a must-see for all LOST fans.

(Let Go)
by Ryan
Theme: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This.Vid.Is.Too.Good. Ryan is such a brilliant vidder!
Seriously, if you like Eternal Sunshine, then you should definitely watch this vid. If you don't, then you should still watch it anyway!:P

by Tazey
Theme: Farscape (John/Aeryn)

This is the most unusual John/Aeryn vid I've ever seen... I don't know why, really. Maybe it's the song... But I mean that as a very good thing, actually. All of Tazey's vids are brilliant, really, but for some reason I wanted to rec this one in particular... Oh well, maybe because it's John/Aeryn.:)

by Heraldtalia R
Theme: X2: X-Men United

Beautiful. I'd never thought this song could fit X-Men but now I can't think of any other song for this movie... Much like the LOST vid, this one shows all the main characters, but in a very angsty way... And, as you well know, I love angsty vids!:D

I hope you like them!:D
See you all on Sunday!

marauders, film: harry potter, tv: farscape, film: eternal sunshine, film: x-men, tv: lost, real life, vid recs, vids

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