Merlin 2x08 [Picspam Recap]

Nov 20, 2009 00:56

WOW, people!

Just... wow!

This weeks episode was just so full of epic epicness that I just couldn't help myself and decided to make yet another Picspam Recap installment.
I'm not yet sure if this is good or bad... you tell me!

as usual, WARNING: not dial-up friendly. AT ALL! There are TONS of pics. (honestly, these things just get bigger and bigger each time I make them! So much that at some point I'll probably be doing a frame-by-frame analysis...)

Merlin 2x08: Sins of the Father [Picspam Recap]
This was yet another episode that was waiting for IMPATIENTLY! I mean, come on! ARTHUR-UTHER SHOWDOWN OF EPIC AWESOMENESS FTW!!!!
Not to mention one of my favorites: ANGST! This episode was just so full of angst! And not just for Arthur, but Merlin as well, which surprised me quite a bit.

Oh well, we better get on with it, then.

Gray sky, thunder, dark castle in ruins, beautiful-yet--not-so-friendly-looking woman speaking in tongues and then mentioning Arthur's full name in a menacing, it-is-on-b*tch way...
Oh cliches! You're adorable.

Uther: Rise, Sir Whatshisname, knight of Camelot... Rise, Sir Whatshisname the Second, knight of Camelot...
Oh look! A whole bunch of new red-shirtscapes for us to get rid of until the end of the season! Nice to meet you all.

Uther: ... with that honor comes great responsibility.
*chanting to self* I shall not make a Spiderman joke. I shall not make a Spiderman joke. I shall not make a Spiderman joke.

Sir Whatshisname the Third: So did you hear? Sir Phillip's got a new pair of boots!
Sir Whatshisname the Fourth: No way!
Sir Whatshisname the Third: Yup.
Sir Whatshisname the Fourth: Awesome!
Sir Whatshisname the Third: OMG! *exits stage left*
Sir Whatshisname the Fourth: *iz ded... literally*
LOL Oh, knights of Camelot, you'll never cease to bring a smile to my face. Honestly, if those are the people's only protection against evildoers, then no wonder Camelot's being attacked every second!
First: Weren't they supposed to be, I don't know, GUARDING the place? But no! They were just chatting!
Second: WTF, they didn't even notice there was someone coming until it was too late.
Third: The guy on the left didn't even stand and fight off the knight, he just ran away! If he's an example of Camelot's finest, then oooooh they're in trouble.

Sir Whatshisname the Fifth: Join up, they said! It's a man's life, they said! *dies*
I just loved this scene, seriously! We have a voice over of Uther telling the newbie knights just how wonderful and glorious being a knight truly is, while the actual knights are getting slaughtered right around the corner. Sometimes I think they're exactly like the Romans from the Asterix comics... which is why I had to add that quote, it's so appropriate!

By the way, poor Uther, he'll be having to repeat the whole deal again in the next few days, considering they've lost 3 knights already.

... erm, 5.

Well, 6.
(come on, sing with me, people! DA DA DUM DUM DUM Another one bites the dust!)
DUDE, how many knights ARE there in Camelot anyway? Last I checked it was around 10. If things carry on like this, those 5 newbies and Arthur will be the ONLY knights left standing!

Final death count: 8. Or 7 if you count that Sir Whatshisname the Third ran away.

Funny, the knight walked in with a dramatic and deadly entrance, walked up straight to Arthur and no one moved one inch to stop them? I mean, sure, they were holding out their swords, but did any of them actually try and stop the knight? No! Yeah, you DEFINITELY need new knights, Uther.
OH and the knight throws a glove to Arthur's feet, Arthur picks it up, accepting the challenge... and only THEN he asks who that person is. Not clever, dude. Not clever.

Morgause then reveals her identity, "Loreal, because I'm worth it" style and OH THE SHOCK! It's a giiiirl.

Turns out there's nothing about women not being able to challenge men on the records, and Uther's all suspicious and asks Arthur to back down. I don't really know why, though... Uther didn't think twice about forcing Arthur to fight when the other knight owned a magic shield full of snakes that came out and killed people!
Obviously, even Uther is starting to doubt his knights' skills and even those of his own son!

Evidently, Camelot must be a really boring place... or at least the palace is, because all Arthur and Morgana ever do in this TV show is look out windows and watch people training.
Anyway, Morgana tells Gwen she thinks she knows Morgause from somewhere.
If we go by the centuries-old tradition in the fantasy world of having relatives with similar names (Arthur, son of Uther... Aragorn, son of Arathorn... Boromir, brother of Faramir), I think it's pretty easy to guess where this is going.

Merlin and Arthur then discuss the challenge. Arthur's worried because he doesn't wanna kill her, but if he backs down, people will think he's a coward. Merlin, on the other hand, is trying to convince Arthur not to fight because he thinks Morgause will win and Arthur gets pretty upset and wonders why everyone is doubting his manliness and thinks he'll lose to a girl.

I think it's the hair, Arthur. People can't take you seriously with such a pretty hair.

Oh well, Arthur then asks Merlin to convince Morgause to withdraw her challenge. He goes to her and she refuses. Not that it should come as a surprise to anyone!

At the next day, Arthur offers Morgause one final chance to back off. But it's because he's a gentleman, NOT because he's afraid of her. Hear that? He's NOT scared!
yeah... sorry, Arthur, I did all I could but no one seems to believe that. But it doesn't matter because she says 'no' anyway.

They fight. She's good, then Arthur cuts her arm and she drops her sword, but Arthur lets her pick it up again. Although, you know, the fight was TO THE DEATH. As in if you don't kill her, she'll kill you...
But oh well.

They fight again and BAM! Arthur's on the floor, Morgause's got her sword to his heart and Arthur's lucky this story isn't set in modern times, otherwise you can bet "OMG! @prettyprincess_arthur lost a fight to a GIRL!" would be already a trending topic on Twitter (CameloTwitter?) and some random dude in the audience would have already posted the whole thing on YouTube (CameloTube?).

Morgause starts making demands and issues another challenge, of an unknown kind and tells Arthur to give his word that he'll do whatever she says even though he's no idea what she'll ask.
And he says yes.
Oh, Arthur just has one brilliant idea after another!

By the way, I just love the look that guy in the background gives him on that fourth cap. He's all "The f**k?! I paid to see blood, man! I want my money back!!!".

Next, Gaius is tending to Morgause's wound and asks her if she's ever been to Camelot before, because he, like Morgana, seems to know her from somewhere.
She says she's been there, many years ago, shows him some bracelet and says she doubts he'd remember her.
Hmmmmm... veeeeery interestiiing....

Meanwhile, Arthur's feeling more humiliated than ever while Merlin just stands and LOLs (I bet he's the one who recorded the video!). Arthur then goes "Nonononono, I didn't LOSE, I LET her win because I'm a gentleman!", and Merlin just goes "Yeah, sure. You go on and keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel any better"...

Morgana then goes along and pays a visit to Morgause, who doesn't seem to know Morgana. Morgana asks about her arm, they chat and it's all very... awkward. For real.
Morgause tries offering her the bracelet, but she can't accept it, though, and leaves, and then Morgause says "I hope you'll remember me fondly", which is just... weird? Honestly, I don't know what to make of it, it was... weird.

And it wouldn't surprise me one bit if there's such a thing as a Morgana/Morgause fanbase already after this episode.

Morgause, however, was pretty serious about Morgana taking the damn thing and walks into her room at night while the girl's apparently not having a very good sleep, then bippity-boppity-boos the bracelet and leaves it there for Morgana to find in the morning.

Arthur then meets Morgause the next day as she's leaving. He tries not being such a sore loser and congratulates her on humiliating him in front of everyone. Morgause puts some sort of spell on his horse (which I'm calling Horsey because I'm creative like that), which Arthur obviously doesn't notice (but then again, who ever does?), tells him to meet her in three days and doesn't even bother telling him where to go because "when the time comes, he'll find his way".
But noooooo, it's not like she's got some sort of secret plan going on there, why would you think that?

Watch out for Horsey, though. He becomes a real character later on! Seriously, he's got more character development than Gwen in this episode.
The sad thing is I'm not even joking!

Morgause: You showed yourself to be a man of honor. You inherited that trait from your mother.
Arthur: Wait, you mean...?
Morgause: Yes.
Arthur: You mean my mother was a man of honor?!
Morgause: Wha- NO! I mean I knew your mother, you idiot!
Arthur: Oh, right.
Morgause: *leaves*
Arthur: Wait, WHAT?

Poor Morgana! It's the first good night sleep she's had in... well, forever, and then Gwen comes along and wakes her up!
Gwen, I love you, but you of all people should know Morgana needs all the sleep she can get!

By the way, Gwen looks so pretty here! And she's just so happy that Morgana's feeling well for once. :)
I love the girls!

Arthur: Father, I'd like your permission to go somewhere I don't know and do something I still don't know for that girl who pretty much destroyed whatever dignity us Pendragons had left after your... wedding fiasco.
Uther: ONE: I asked you not to mention that again, EVER! And TWO: No, I won't let you go!
Arthur No offense, father, but when did that ever stop me?
Uther: Well, they say the 134th time's the charm!
Arthur: You said that about the 133rd.
Uther: Whatever. GUARDS! Take Prince Arthur to his chambers and make sure he doesn't leave until I come and get him.
Guard #1: Not to leave the room, even if you come and get him.
Uther: No, UNTIL I come and get him.
Guard #1: Until you come and get him, we're not to enter the room.
Uther: No, no, no. You stay IN the room and make sure he doesn't leave!
Guard #1: And you'll come and get him.
Uther: Right.
Guard #1: Right, we don't need to do anything, apart from just stop him entering the room..
Uther: No, no, no. Leaving the room.
Guard: #1: Leaving the room, yes.
Uther: Alright?
Guard #2: *hiccups*
Guard #1: Right. OH! Can he leave the room with us?
Uther: NO! You just keep him in there and make sure he doesn't leave!
Guard #1: Oh, I see. Right.

Merlin: Why are there guards outside the door? (Well, because they're obviously so good that they don't need to WATCH the person they're supposed to be guarding. They just KNOW said person won't leave.)
Arthur: My father has confined me to my chambers and has forbidden me from accepting Morgause's challenge.
Merlin: Maybe he's got a point. You don't know what she might have asked you to do.
Arthur: I gave her my word.
Merlin: So I take it we're going anyway.
Arthur: You're smarter than you look!
Aw, they just *get* each other. :)
And you know what's even better? This is just the first of MANY great scenes between them this episode... Actually, this isn't even one of the better ones. :D Did I mention I loved this episode?

Arthur asks Merlin to think of a way to get him out and, when Merlin gets to Gaius' chamber, he sees a rope on the floor. At that point I thought "Wow! Very clever Merlin!" (well, that and "What would Gaius need that rope for anyway???"), but then he shazams the thing to make it move, and instead of making it crawl up to a safe corner where he could pick it up, what does he do? He got the rope to CRAWL UP INSIDE HIS PANTS!
I don't think I even need to say anything else on the subject.

Arthur: Merlin, is it my imagination or are you getting fat?
HA! Merlin? Fat? That's a good one, Arthur.
Although it could probably do Colin Morgan some good if he put on a bit of weight... I'm just saying.

Ok, there are SO many things wrong here.
1) Merlin's confidence is lovely, but he is NOT strong enough to carry Arthur (also, Arthur's trust in Merlin is touching, but he should definitely know that!)
2) Even if he WAS strong enough, to do that just by standing there holding the rope would still be idiotic.
3) Lets say they managed to make it work anyway, how is Merlin supposed to go down on his own?! I guess by tying the rope around something? So if they'll have to do it anyway, why not do it for Arthur already????

Honestly, it makes no sense!
BUT between this and the Spiderman, climbing-up-the-walls-of-the-castle moments, when did this show ever made any sense?
And do we care? NO! So moving on...

[ETA: it's been brought to my attention by chayiana that Merlin could have simply walked out of the room, because, evidently, he was NOT confined to Arthur's chambers... which is very, very true! I still think that, were this any other kingdom, Merlin probably wouldn't want to do that because the guards at the door might take a look at the room as he's leaving and see that it's empty... but then I remembered these are Camelot guards, so they would never, ever do that. And Merlin probably knows that by now, so he didn't even worry...]

Arthur: What are you doing? Lower the rope!
Arthur: *facepalm* (or, in this case, *facerope*)
Merlin: I don't know if I can hold it much longer!
Arthur: Merlin... Do NOT let go of the rope--
Merlin: *lets go of the rope*
HAHAHA! I think I loved it way more than I should. There's just something with the late *CRASH* that you hear after Arthur falls... and their faces... OH, boys... Don't ever change. :)
I think this was Merlin's plan all along: to have Arthur go down, face-first into a steaming pile of horse poo.

Merlin: Which way?
Arthur: ...
Merlin: Do you actually know where we're going?
Arthur: It's this way. *points left*
Horsey: *doesn't move*
Arthur: Come on...
Horsey: *still won't move*
Arthur: What is wrong with this horse? It's even dumber than you, Merlin!
Horsey: *goes to the right*
Merlin: Where are you going? I thought you said it was left!
Arthur: It's not me, it's THE HORSE! Morgause told me "when the time comes, you'll know your way".
Merlin: So the horse knows where we're going, great.
Guys, it's not "the horse", it's HORSEY! He's got a name, you know?
Well, I know I'm not doing a very good job of writing amusing comments on these scenes, but seriously, do I even have to? Besides, all I ever do is squee whenever I see scenes like this between them anyway, so it's best if I just don't say anything at all. :P

Uther: I thought I told you not to let him leave the room until I come and get him!
Guard #1: OH, you meant the PRINCE?
Guard #1: I thought you meant him. *points to Guard #2*
Guard #2: *hiccups*
Guard #1: Although, you know, it did seem a bit daft that I were to guard him when he's a guard.
I love the Camelot guards. I really, really love those guards. They're so awesome they deserve their own LJ community.

Merlin and Arthur are attacked in the forest by... random people. Seriously, where did those guys come from and how come they didn't even ask them what they were doing? If that's how the other kingdom treats its visitors, then surely Uther must be the kind king of the region... and that's a SCARY thought!
So Arthur fights them off while Merlin kaboons some guy up in a tree. Then Arthur bitches about how he always has to do all the work while Merlin just stands there doing nothing. Sometimes they look so much like an old married couple!

Merlin then blabbers on and on about how this is insane, they don't even know where there's going, they could be killed at any second, Arthur trusts Horsey more than he trusts him, they don't even know what Morgause will ask of him, and he didn't even want to ask for directions and WHAT IS IT WITH PRINCES AND ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS... or something like that. Then all Arthur does is turn and say "Morgause said she knew my mother" and that's it! He doesn't have to say anything else because Merlin just understands it right away.
And THAT is why I love them. ♥

Meanwhile, Gaius and Morgana discuss how she's finally had a good night sleep, then she mentions the bracelet and yadda yadda yadda. (And I hope I'm not the only one who thinks there will be some storyline involving the bracelet at some point later on this season...)
Honestly, I love Gaius and Morgana to death, but I'd like to go back to Arthur and Merlin ASAP, ok? Good. So excuse me...

Merlin: What was your mother like?
Arthur: I never knew her. She died before I opened my eyes.
Merlin: I'm sorry.
Arthur: I barely know anything about her.
Merlin: Can't you ask your father?
Arthur: He refuses to talk about it, it must be too painful for him. Sometimes it's as if she never even existed. I still have a... sense of her. Almost as though she's part of me.
Merlin: That's the same with my father! I never knew him. And my mother's barely spoken of him. I've got this... vague memory. It's probably just my imagination.
Arthur: I'd do anything for even the vaguest memory.
Merlin: Is that why you're so determined to find Morgause? To see what she knows about your mother?
Arthur: Is that so wrong?
Merlin: No.
Best. Arthur&Merlin scene. EVER!
I mean, finally, FINALLY we're getting some real bonding between them this season! It started in episode 4 when Arthur opened up to Merlin about Gwen, but this one scene was just... so much better! It means so much for them to be opening up to each other about their parents... We'd never even heard of Merlin's father before!
Also, BBC, there WILL be a storyline involving Merlin's father, right? RIGHT?! If not this season, at least next season?

Next, we go to Uther and Gaius, aka Arthur&Merlin 2.0 (or maybe Arthur and Merlin should be Uther&Gaius 2.0... whatever!), and I would normally ignore this to go straight back to the boys, like I did with the scene between Gaius and Morgana, BUT this one does have some major revelations in it: Morgana is Morgause's half-sister! O_o
I KNOW, RIGHT? THE SHOCK! And by that I obviously mean the shock of finding out that there are parents out there with such little creativity in coming up with their kids' names.
They of course don't mention if they have the same mother or the same father, but since Gaius says that the bracelet belongs to the house of Gorlois (is that the name?), which I'm assuming it's a guy's name, then they probably share the same father. But then again Morgause said the bracelet was a gift from her mother, so it could be the mother as well... *is confused*

Uther says Morgana CANNOT know she has a half-sister because, obviously, no one in Camelot can know the truth about their families. What would be the fun in knowing, right, Uther?

Merlin: It seems your horse's brought us to a dead end.
Horsey: *keeps on going, straight into the water*
Arthur: Now where is he going???
Merlin: I think you're going to get wet!
Arthur: You don't say!
Hopefully the spell on Horsey will carry on after Morgause leaves... Wouldn't it be awesome to have a horse who just KNOWS where to go? :) *loves Horsey*
I think Horsey also deserves his own LJ community. GET ON THAT, FANDOM!

Pretty shots are pretty. =)

Merlin: If we weren't sure Morgause was a sorcerer before, we can be certain of it now. (translation: "Obviously, every sorcerer has no need for a real home to live in or, you know, furniture of any kind, and feels like living in old ruins in the middle of the forest. Oh, I must plan my retirement!")
Arthur: That must have been how she defeated me, she was using magic! (translation: "I'm the best of the best! I am Pendragon, HEAR ME ROAR!")
Merlin: It didn't look like she was. (translation: "You're a wuss.")
Arthur: And what would you know about magic, Merlin? (translation: AM NOT!)
Merlin: Nothing. (translation: "Are too!")
Arthur, dear... will you LET IT GO, ALREADY??? YES, you lost to a girl! GET OVER IT!!!

Enemies of Camelot, here's an important lesson: if you want to kill Arthur Pendragon, all you have to do is shout "I KNEW YOUR MOTHER!", then he'll pretty much LET you kill him.
Of course Morgause wasn't going to kill him, but that doesn't change the fact that he probably shouldn't have done that. Still, she needed him to prove to her that he's a man of his word... which, come on, after the few hundred times he's repeated "I gave her my word!" in this episode, I don't think it would be really necessary, but anyway...

For being a man of his word, Morgause grants him one wish, and Arthur's only wish is to see his mother. ♥

Meanwhile, some people say some things about other people in some place.
I DON'T CARE, I want to go back to the EPIC EPICNESS, OK? THANKS!
However, I did wish to add this because: Look, it's everyone's favorite glorified extra: Sir Leon!!! When will he get his own storyline, EH BBC????

Merlin: Are you sure you want to do this?
Arthur: If you were granted the opportunity, would you not want to meet your father?
Merlin: Uther won't forgive you if he finds out you'v e collaborated with a sorcerer.
Arthur: What if my father's attitude to magic is wrong?
Merlin: ... You really think that?
Arthur: Perhaps it's not as simple as he would have us believe. Morgause is a sorcerer, she has caused us no harm. Surely not everyone who practises magic can be evil?
Merlin's heart: *warms*
It's one epic scene between them after another, isn't it? Aw, Merlin... He was just so surprised and happy when Arthur said that... and he had to pretend he was indifferent to it. OH, BOYS!!! *hugs* ♥

and if THAT wasn't epic enough, next we've got THIS:

AW, ARTHUR!!!!! ♥ *hugs Arthur*
I had to restrain myself from not capping only Arthur for this part... I mean, Ygraine seemed really sweet and I wish we could have seen more of her than this (she came back just to tell her son that his father was responsible for her death? And then she asks him not to blame his father even though she's JUST SAID that it was his fault? WTF, WOMAN? MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY!!!), but Bradley James did such a great job in this scene.

However, this is STILL not the most epic of the epicness that happened in this ep, OH NO! We're actually getting to that in a few moments.

Morgause: Wow... it must suck pretty bad to learn that your lying cheating miserable excuse for a father was responsible for your mother's death. I had no idea! It's not like it was my plan all along to make you angry with him or anything. Are you hungry? I've got cookies, let me get them. OK? BYE! *exits-stage-left*
Arthur: ...
Merlin: I'm sorry for you and everything, but you did remember to ask her for the way back home, didn't you?
LOOK AT THEIR FACES!!! Aw, the angst! I probably shouldn't love it as much as I did.
Also, Merlin should just learn to trust Horsey. Because Horsey ALWAYS knows the way!

When they get back, Arthur goes straight to his father, without saying a word, while Merlin tells Gaius everything he's learned... which is nothing that Gaius and his eyebrows didn't already know.
Merlin then realizes he probably should go to Arthur before he does something he might regret...


And then the REAL EPICNESS commences, when Arthur drops his glove to his father's feet, challenging him to a fight to the death. Hear that? TO THE MOTHER-EFFING DEATH! Uther does nothing because he does not think Arthur will strike him, but then SURPRISE! Arthur does and lucky Uther's quick enough to block it with his own sword.
Did you see that? Arthur tried to kill his father! For real!!!

Even though this fight was EPIC (I seem to be using this word a lot today, don't I?), and angry!Arthur makes me SO VERY HAPPY (and I know I probably shouldn't love it as much as I did), I have to admit I wasn't really holding my breath with it until Uther fought back!
The guy ACTUALLY tried to kill his son!
And you thought you had family issues?

Merlin rushes across the castle as fast as he can to stop Arthur, and-- Wait, what exactly was Sir Leon doing standing there??? He's not a guard, he's a KNIGHT! Although... I understand that, after what happened with Guards #1 and #2, Uther would replace them, but still! Sir Leon is NOT a guard!
If you ask me, I think he was evesdropping. :P
But anyway, Merlin asks Leon to open the goddamn door because, if the VERY LOUD NOISE OF SWORD-FIGHTING wasn't clear enough, they are trying to kill each other!!!

Now here's the thing... From what I read, very few people are happy with this scene because of the fact that Merlin was lying to Arthur and saving Uther at the same time.
Once again, I feel like I have the least popular opinions in this fandom and I feel like giving you my two cents about it. Feel free to disagree with me.

Think about it, people! Merlin had just opened up to Arthur about his own father and told him exactly how much he just wanted to see him again. Do you honestly believe Merlin would let Arthur kill his father after that? OF COURSE NOT! Besides, it's not like Merlin ran in, yelling "MORGAUSE IS A LIAR!", he tried reasoning with Arthur first, but it didn't work! He only said that because there was absolutely nothing else he could have said at that moment to stop Arthur from killing Uther. And it killed Merlin to do it to him. JUST LOOK AT HIM!
I, for one, think what Merlin did for Arthur right there was so touching! He's lost father already, and he almost lost his mother, he knows how much it hurts to not have his parents around, he doesn't want that for Arthur, not in a million years.
If he'd let Arthur kill Uther, it would help him a lot, since he'd be able to come clean about his magic, but Arthur would be devastated, not just because his father would be dead, but because HE'd be the one responsible for it.

*ahem* so yeah, that's what I think.

Arthur: I am indebted to you, Merlin. I had become...confused. It is once again clear to me that those who practise magic are evil and dangerous. And that is thanks to you.
Merlin: Glad I could help.
AW, MERLIN!!!!! He's smiling, but he's got tears in his eyes at the same time!

(Oh and is it just me, or have they greatly improved the lighting this season? Between this episode and that scene last episode in the great hall, which I thought was just GORGEOUS, I think we've had some of the best lighting in the whole series!)

And if Arthur "not seeing the light" about magic (HA! See what I did there?) wasn't ironic enough for you, next we've got Uther telling Merlin he's a "trusted ally in the fight against magic".
Oh Merlin this is not your day...

Being the true Python fan that he is, however, Merlin decides to look "at the bright side of life": Arthur's thanking him, Uther's grateful, Gaius is proud... "I've never been this popular!" while Gaius tries to rain on his parade by telling him it won't last.
However, from the looks of the preview, it looks like Merlin will be getting some lovin' this Saturday, so I guess it will last at least a little while longer. *wink wink*

We end the episode with Morgause looking at her magic crystal thingy and seeing Arthur and Uther laughing and having a good time. Then she turns to the camera with anger in her eyes, and I must assume it's directed at the writers because I find it VERY difficult to believe that they'd be in such good terms after trying to KILL EACH OTHER!
Besides, it's not like they were all smiles with each other before it happened anyway! But oh well...

I take it we're seeing more of her later on, then? Good. I liked her! :)

So there you have it!
And if I had not made myself clear by now, let me say: I LOVED this episode and it's epicness. Arthur and Merlin RULE MY HEART right now, and Horsey and the Camelot Guards need more fandom recognition for their awesomeness.

picspam recaps, reviews, episodes, pic!spam, tv: merlin, arthur/merlin

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