Doctor Who: "Waters of Mars"

Nov 15, 2009 22:24

I'm spoiler-cutting this FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!!!

Doctor Who: Waters of Mars
Wow, that was... Wow! I have to be completely honest here, I wasn't expecting this episode to be very good. I had low expectations and I don't really know why... maybe because "Planet of the Dead" wasn't that good for me? Or maybe because that was my own personal way of not going insane with anxiety over having TO WAIT GOD KNOWS HOW MANY MONTHS FOR THIS FRELLING EPISODE? You know, by telling myself "Why go crazy? It probably won't be any good!"
Turns out I was wrong either way because I really DID love this episode very much!

The bad guys completely freaked me out with the cracked mouths and the water coming out, that was... creepy. Way too creepy! GAH!
But I could go by without them, I wasn't really paying attention to them. What made me love this episode so much was that dilemma that the Doctor was facing. It's like Pompeii all over again, and he even mentions it! It had to happen and he couldn't stop it, otherwise it could put the future in danger.

Of course that sequence of hell breaking loose and the Doctor walking away probably went on for too long, but I loved the idea.

And then at the end, DUDE THE DOC JUST COMPLETELY LOST IT! And I LOVED to see that! Wow, I don't even know what came over him, he just snapped and went crazy and it was just WAY more scary than the water dudes could ever be! MAAAAN! OH, how I love evil!Doc!
I love him, so very much!

That Ood at the end was... well... I'll wait for the next episode to make a proper judgment, but that was... Well, weird.

I think with an episode that's 1 hour long they probably should have spent a little more time on the other characters, but I didn't really care about that, I'll be honest. I just wanted to see the Doc in action! And I could only ever look at him when he was onscreen anyway. So maybe they had some development and I just didn't notice it? Whatever, my point is: I LOVE THE DOC!

David Tennant was fantastic in this! OOOOH man... I don't wanna see him go, you guys!
Matt Smith, you look adorable and I bet you'll be awesome, but you've got IMPOSSIBLE shoes to fill!

reviews, episodes, tv: doctor who

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