Top 5!

Aug 07, 2009 16:52

Here they are, everybody! My Top 5s are here.
It took me a little longer than I anticipated, because I really, really, really wanted to add nice pics to it.

I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to! Top 5 lists are pretty when they have pics. =)

So here ya go:
(cut because it's image-heavy!)

TOP 5 TENTH DOCTOR MOMENTS (for dexterette)

(2x01 New Earth)Doctor (Cassandra): Oh, my... This is different.
Rose: Cassandra?
Doctor (Cassandra): Goodness me, I'm a man! Yum. So many parts, and hardly used... AH! AH! Two hearts!? Oh, baby, I'm beating out a samba!
Rose: Get out of him!
Doctor (Cassandra): Ooh, he's slim. And a little bit foxy. You've thought so too. I've been insinde your head. You've been looking... You like it!
OK, so maybe this is a David Tennant moment, since this is Cassandra and not the Doctor, but can you blame me? I mean, please! It's so crazy and hilarious. I just love it when he (well, she) starts dancing to the duo-heartbeat. And how could I not? It's silly moments like this one that make Doctor Who one of my favorite TV shows ever.

#4 AM I... GINGER?
(2x00 The Christmas Invasion)Doctor: Now, first thing's first... Be honest. How do I look?
Rose: Um... different.
Doctor: Good different or bad different?
Rose: Just... different.
Doctor: Am I... ginger?
Rose: No, you're just sort of brown.
Doctor: AWW! I wanted to be ginger! I've never been ginger. And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me-- Oh, that's rude. That's the sort of man I am now, am I? Rude. (ponders) Rude and not ginger.
Doctor: Look at these people. These human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than-- No, hold on... Sorry, that's 'The Lion King'.
The first time I saw 'The Christmas Invasion', I was still mourning the loss of Nine. When Ten complained about not being ginger, I thought it was awesome. By the time he unknowingly quote 'The Lion King', I loved him! It was that time when I thought that this Doc deserved a chance.
OH! And lets not forget, he fought the bad guys in his pajamas. Yeah. Very important.

(4x02 The Fires of Pompeii)Donna: You fought her off with a water pistol. I bloody love you!
Only in Doctor Who will you ever see an action scene, full of explosions and a giant monster made of lava, where the hero fights evil with a yellow water pistol in his hand. And that's why we love our Doctor! =)

(3x11 Utopia)Doctor: And Utopia is...?
Yana: Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?
Doctor: Bit of a hermit...
Yana: A hermit with friends?
Doctor: Hermits United. We meet up every ten years, swap stories about caves. It's good fun... for a hermit.
hehe Oh, I just love me some silly!Doctor. This whole scene from Martha gasping with the hand in the jar ("You've got a hand. A hand in a jar. A hand. In jar. In your bag!"), to the "You're supposed to say sorry" bit, and ending with the bit from the quote above, it's just hilarious.

(3x10 Blink)Doctor: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of... wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
If I could quote the entire easter egg scene, I would! It's my favorite Doctor Who scene from all seasons, and that particular quote about time is my favorite Doctor Who quote of all! It explains everything without explaining anything, and it's just so very Doctor!

Alright, I've come to the conclusion that, apart from a couple of vids in particular, I couldn't possibly name my favorite videos of ALL-TIME. So I'm going with the 5 vids that I'm currently obsessed with.
Simply because it's impossible for me to keep a list of favorites, it changes every day.

by macchinainterna
This vid is like a perfect match of scenes and music. The movement of the scenes themselves along with the music is like a match made in heaven! It's just perfect.

by hollywoodgrrl
Merlin and Legend of the Seeker... They just go so well together, and in this vid it's like they are the same show! I love all the parallels that hollywoodgrrl brings up, and I love the little AU scenes, like Kahlan throwing the dagger at Arthur, or Kahlan confessing Arthur (apparently, Kahlan has something against Arthur =P).
Not to mention the PRETTY! :)

by chayiana
OH! Don't we all love a silly vid? And this is a really smart one! I love the old-movie feel of the whole thing, and the scenes chayiana built with Ten, McKay and Sheppard. It's funny how this story is completely made-up and yet all three of them are completely in character.
Don't be fooled, though, the story is silly, but I DARE you to watch without a smile on your face. I. Dare. You!

by newkidfan
This is the best use of layers and texture that I have EVER seen in a vid. It's stunning! It's like you could take any frame of this vid and make a wallpaper out of it, it's gorgeous!
It's been a while since I've last seen an episode of LOST... and I wasn't a fan of Jack/Juliet back then anyway... But this vid just HAS to be seen!

by Seduff
I'm a huge fan of Seduff's videos... I actually went back and forth between picking this one or Don't Hold Back for a while, and even though Don't Hold Back is absolutely genius, I'm finding myself looping this one right now.
Why? Because it's so simple! Well, it looks so simple, anyway, but it really isn't. I just love the idea of the little girl with the remote control going through the Ten/Donna moments of the series, going back and forth, rewinding, fast-fowarding, pausing and then playing. Not to mention the text, which is something that I hardly ever see vidders making it work on their vids. Especially with the dialogue!
SO WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?? Just GO and watch it! Right now! Even if you don't watch Doctor Who - ESPECIALLY if you don't watch Doctor Who!

TOP 5 FAVORITE FAN VIDS BY ME (for crickets)
AGAIN, I'm going with my current 5 favorites... Honestly, if it was about my all-time favorites, I'd be here forever setting up this list! It changes even more than the one of vids by others, so I'm just going with current favorites, otherwise I'll regret adding some vids and not others.

This one was a complete shot in the dark... I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I knew I liked the song, and I knew the changes in the pace would work well for the character of House and all his different moods. But the lyrics?! I'd no idea what I was going to do. And still to this day, when I have to somehow summarize it, I just say it's a House character vid, because I really can't describe it any better.
Yet I was surprised to find that it worked! Whatever it is I did with this one, it worked.

This one truly means a lot to me. It's the first time I tried using effects and coloring for narrative purposes... mainly to try and make the differences between Nine and Ten more evident. Honestly, I'd been trying to make a Nine/Ten vid pretty much ever since I started vidding in Doctor Who, I even had a few scenes I'd selected to use as parallels between the two and I pretty much didn't use any of that. Strictly speaking, this vid doesn't really have that many scenes comparing the two... And yet it still works a lot better than what I was trying to do before. It's just... weird.

Aw, this one was like a dream come true for me!
Ok, a little backstory first: I am a HUGE Sherlock Holmes fan. For real. I have a complete stories collection in portuguese, another one in English, I have almost every novel/short story separatelly, both in English and Portuguese, and still - and my friends can confirm this, it's true! - everytime I see a new complete collection, I feel this sudden urge to buy it. It's like a disease! If Holmes was a drug, I'd be in rehab a long time ago.
This vid worked for both the books and the Granada series (best Holmes adaptation EVER!), but what makes me love it so much is the fact that it involves two things that mean so much and are very dear to me (the Holmes stories and vidding), in a tribute to my favorite friendship of all.

SO MANY THINGS could have gone wrong with this one, it's just ridiculous! I mean, it's slash, it's a slow song with very few lyrics, and I added dialogue over it. Was I crazy when I decided to make it or what?! Usually, when I try any of those three in vids, it all just goes so terribly wrong.
I actually have to thank RTD for this one (no, seriously!) because if Ianto's death hadn't touched me so much, I'd never, EVER have attempted something like this.

I knew I had to pick a Doctor Who vid for this one... and while any of them could easily fit in here, I think this one stands out a bit over the others for me (yes, even more than 'Scattered'!).
More than the angst, the action, the OTPs or the drama, for me Doctor Who is about... well, fun. It's a fun sci-fi show that doesn't take itself very seriously (I mean, come on, "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey"!), and that's why it can get away with almost anything. When it does take itself seriously, it can get just silly (Tinkerbell Doctor, anyone???).
So while I do love my more serious Doctor Who vids, I think this one is about what makes ME love the show the most.

TOP 5 BEST FRIENDSHIPS (for veritas724)

(Doctor Who)
Because she was there when he lost everything and helped him move on.
And he made her realize just how special she was, not matter how hard she tried to deny it.

(The Daily Show / The Colbert Report)
Because they make each other laugh like it's their job.
And they always support each other.

(House, MD)
Because nothing can get between them. Nothing.

(The Lord of the Rings)
Because they never would have succeeded if they didn't have each other.

(Sherlock Holmes)
Because they wouldn't be anything without each other.

TOP 5 IANTO MOMENTS (for ana_br)

bonus moment: STUN GUN
(2x04 Meat)
I love action!Ianto. And he looked so menacing there, almost like a hitman. I really wish they had explored more of Ianto's dark side in the show... Because it's clear he has one!

(2x12 Fragments)Ianto: Lucky escape.
Jack: I had it under control.
Ianto: You think so? It looked pretty vicious. You're um... (reaches for Jack's neck, but Jack steps back) You were bleeding.
Jack: Had worse from shaving.
Ianto: Looked like a weevil to me.
Jack: I've no idea what you're talking about.
Ianto: (smug face of 'yeeeeah, right')
Jack: Thanks for the assistance.
Ianto: Anytime. By the way, love the coat.
Ianto looked amazing in this flashback! I'm a fan of the suit and tie as much as the next fangirl, but I just love casual!Ianto.
Also, he was so clearly trying to con Jack and I love that dynamic of having the good boy con the con-man. Of course he's not as experienced as Jack, but hey! It did work eventually.

(1x04 Cyberwoman)Ianto: You could have saved her! You're worse than anything locked up down there! One day, I'll have the chance to save you... and I'll watch you suffer and die.
This is the moment that made me love 'Cyberwoman'. I'll be honest with you, the whole "OH NOEZ! LISA!!!" thing got old real quick, but this one moment made me love Ianto so much. He's clearly the only one at Torchwood who's ever understood just how dangerous Jack is. I mean, sure, he weas probably just too angry when he said that, but we all know it to be true! And I think Ianto does too.

(2x01 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)John: Into the lift, Eye Candy. Your friends are bleeding and dying. You barely have enough time to save them.
Ianto: (hits earpiece) Owen? Gwen?
John: What am I, a child? It's a primitive bit of technology, easily blocked, you should be embarrassed. And when you get to the bottom, run. You look like a man who enjoys a challenge, see if you can save them. Come back up here, I'll shoot on sight.
Ianto: (stops lift) Why are you doing this?
John: We're a cosmic joke, Eye Candy! An accident of chemicals and evolution. The jokes, the sex, just cover the fact that nothing means anything, and the only consolation is money. So run, Ianto Jones!
I always love it when John calls Ianto 'Eye Candy'. Ianto gets so pissed at that, it's adorable! And I loved this particular moment because it was Ianto, all angry, saving the day. I love it when Ianto saves the day!

(1x06 Countrycide)Ianto: (to Tosh) Get ready to run.
Tosh: What are you going to do, put us on meat hooks?
Evan: No, not yet. You see... meat had to be tenderized first.
(Evan turns to Ianto and smiles at him. Ianto smiles back... BAM! Head butt. Tosh runs, but Evan catches Ianto before he can make a run for it too)
Again, it's Ianto saving the day! Well, ok, maybe not saving the day... But still, he was being such a hero here. He was just so terrified throughout the whole episode, and yet he attacked Evan to give Tosh a chance to escape, and then stayed behind. If that's not being a hero, then I don't know what it is!

(2x06 Reset)Jack: This is gonna end in tears.
Aw, and here we have it! My absolute favorite Ianto moment, and it's such a short one. But it's adorable! There he was, minding his own business, then Owen almost shoots him straight in the face. I love how he's clearly annoyed, but just straightens his suit and gets back to business. That's so Ianto! =)


(tie) #5 THE LOOK (1)
(1x06 Countrycide)Ianto: It's my turn, is it? It was Lisa.
Gwen: Ianto, I'm sorry...
Ianto: Sorry she's dead? Or sorry you mentioned it?
Gwen: I just didn't think.
Ianto: You forgot.
Poor Ianto, still broken because of Lisa... I keep trying to figure out what that look between him and Jack was supposed to mean, but I get nothing. Still, I love it! For whatever reason, I love it!

(tie) #5 THE LOOK (2)
(2x04 Meat)Ianto: Well, this is unprecedented - the fiancé finding out.
Tosh: Mainly because we're all sad and single.
Owen: Speak for yourself. I am better off without all that kind of hassle.
Tosh: Maybe the answer is to go out with someone who knows what you do.
Owen: Look around you, Tosh. Only we know what we do.
Yup, I do have a thing for those looks between Jack and Ianto! And it's interesting to me that even though the one from 'Countrycide' was from before they had a relationship and this one is during it, they're both just as intense. :)

(1x05 Small Worlds)Jack: You shouldn't be here.
Ianto: Neither should you.
I really love that instead of punishing Ianto for what happened in Cyberwoman, Jack became more aware of him and tried to offer some comfort. Ok, sure, so he just put his hand on Ianto's back, but even that is just so much more than what Ianto had before.

(2x03 To The Last Man)Jack: This time tomorrow, he'll be back in 1918.
Ianto: In his own time. Would you go back to yours? If you could?
Jack: Why, would you miss me?
Ianto: Yep.
Jack: I left home a long time ago. I don't really know where I really belong. Maybe that doesn't matter any more.
Ianto: I know you get lonely.
Jack: Going home wouldn't fix that. Being here, i've seen things I never dreamt I'd see. Loved people I never would have known if I'd just stayed where I was. And I wouldn't change that for the world.
Do I even need to explain this one??? Good.

(2x01 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)Jack: How are you, Ianto?
Ianto: All the better for having you back, sir.
Jack: Can we maybe drop the sir, now? While I was away, I was thinking... Maybe we could... when this is all done... Dinner? A movie?
Ianto: Are... you asking me out on a date?
Jack: Interested?
Ianto: Well... As long as it's not in an office. Some fetishes should be kept to yourself.
Aw I love this one so much! Jack looked so nervous when he was asking Ianto out, it's like he's a teenager (you'd think they'd be beyond the "asking out" stage at that point!). And then that huge smile at the end, when Ianto says 'yes'! Aw, these two...

(2x12 Fragments)Jack: (to Myfanwy) Come back with me. I've got somewhere nice and big where you can fly around.
Ianto: OK, so you'll let the pterodactyl in and not me!
Jack: We need a guard dog.
Ianto: I can be that! Like a receptionist. Building maintenance, food and drink, dry cleaning, even. That coat of yours must take a battering. Like a butler, I could be a butler!
Jack: We don't need a butler.
Ianto: Excuse me, dried egg on your collar.
Jack: It was a busy week.
The director of this episode (I don't think it was Euros, but I can't remember the name of the guy) said that he wanted this scene to be like a romantic comedy with a pterodactyl (well, not *with* a pterodactyl... OH you got the idea!). And that's exactly what it is! It's such a great moment. It's funny (Ianto was so desperate, it's adorable), it's got UST (don't tell me you can't feel the tension between them when they're on top of each other), and there's even some angst as well. It's perfect!

TOP 5 TV HUGS (for delennbr)

(Even Stevphen: "Elian Gonzalez")Stephen: Son, I am so proud of you. I know I wasn't there for you when you were a little boy and I am so sorry!
Steve: Family, Elian... Boat...
Stephen: Steve? Steve! Look at me. Look at me, Stevie!
Steve: D-Don't... Don't you do... Don't you do this!
Stephen: Steve? I love you, Steve.
Steve: I hate you. I hate you! I HATE YOU! (starts crying and hitting Stephen)
Stephen: Shhh, let it out, let it out. Let it out!
Steve: (crying) I LOVE YOU, DADDY!!!

(4x13 Journey's End) Doctor: Remember, Christmas Day, Sycorax, lost my hand in a sword fight? That's my hand. What d'you think?
Rose: You-- You're still you?
Doctor: I'm still me.

(3x15 Half-Wit)House: Your turn?
Chase: Do you have to do that?
House: You mean, cheapen everyone's attempt at a human moment by identifying the real calculations that go into it?
Chase: Yeeeah.
House: Yeah! I do.
Chase: I'm sorry you're dying. I'm gonna hug you. Anything to say?
House: Well, if you're considering grabbing my ass, don't start anything... (Chase ignores him and hugs him)... you can't finish.

(4x14 The Possimpible)Robin: How did you pull this off?
Barney: I am the master of the possimpible.
Robin: You really are. Thank you.

(2x11 The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis)Penny: Leonard, look! Sheldon's hugging me!
Leonard: It's a Saturnalia miracle!

TOP 5 MOVIE HUGS (for delennbr)

(Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead)Guil: Why don't you say something original? You don't take me up on anything! You just repeat everything I say in a different order!
Ros: I can't think of anything original. I'm only good in support.
Guil: I'm sick of making the running!

(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

(Little Miss Sunshine)


(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)

OK, that was big... But it was fun! I love doing Top 5/10 lists.
So, um, if anyone feels like asking for another fandom-related one, be my guest. :)

house/wilson, otp: rose/doctor, film: lord of the rings, tv: doctor who, otp: donna/doctor, tv: adventures of sherlock holmes, film: rosencrantz and guildenstern, film: wall-e, holmes/watson, memes, otp: sheldon/penny, pic!spam, frodo/sam, vidding, film: harry potter, tv: daily show/colbert report, tv: how i met your mother, film: little miss sunshine, otp: jack/ianto, vid recs, otp: robin/barney, tv: house, tv: torchwood, jon/stephen, quotes

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