Seeker finale.

May 23, 2009 23:56

Wow! What a great ending!

Legend of the Seeker 1x22: Reckoning
I actually loved this finale. Everything about it was wonderful... but I do have one little quibble with it: I was actually hoping for a big Richard v. Rahl Showdown of Sexy!Awesome. Sure, we had that already at episode "whatever", but I sure hoped we'd get some more of it at the finale.
Oh and come to think of it, I do have another quibble: the Book of Counted Shadows. It seemed like the most important thing in the world when they talked about it at the first episode... and then it became really useless when they got it back. I mean, sure Richard thought of the whole "Orden + Confession = YAY!!!" theory while reading it, but it can't be it!
I'm hoping they're saving some of it for next season.

That said, I really did love the rest. Kahlan becoming Rahl's wife was... wow. Am I a bad fan for loving their alternate universe? Kahlan fighting for Richard even though they're decades apart... I just loved it!
And their creepy son was SCARY! Don't mind everything Rahl's been doing, that kid was pure evil FOR REAL! Rahl's actually a pretty nice guy in comparison.
But I still think the title of "Scariest scene EVER on the show" should go to last weeks episode, when Zedd was being attacked by all the sick people. THAT was scary. For real.

Cara was nice. I liked her. Not as much as I like Denna, but cool things could come now that she's on Richard's side... apparently (and it appears that it could happen to the other Mord'Siths as well, eh?).

I was just wondering what happened to Jennsen at that alternate future... Well, she probably got killed by any of the Rahls at some point.

I LOVED Richard's face when he saw Kahlan again... Aw, so sweet and wonderful! They love each other so much, and this episode proved they'll do absolutely anything for each other.
And I love Zedd with all my heart... but I laughed out loud at that moment when Richard and Kahlan were hugging each other after being lifetimes apart, and he just showed up all "YAY! GROUP HUG!!!". hehe Aw, Zedd...

So... how much longer until next season?

tv: legend of the seeker, reviews, episodes, otp: richard/kahlan

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