It's that time of the year...

Dec 30, 2008 13:55

Time for New Year memes!


1: What fandoms did you acquire in 2008?
How I Met Your Mother, Gilmore Girls, The Big Bang Theory, Battlestar Galactica, Dr. Horrible, Legend of the Seeker, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Wonderfalls.

2: What fandoms did you let go of in 2008?
Heroes. I still haven't finished season 2 and to tell you the truth, I don't really want to at this point.

3: What fandoms did you mean to get into but didn't in 2008? Why?
Supernatural (as usual). I just KNOW I'll love it when I see it, but for whatever reason I keep forgetting to... see it.
Chuck. With all other fandoms I have, I keep forgetting to try this one. Even though I know I'll also love it.

4: What fandoms do you intend on checking out in 2009?
Obviously, Supernatural and Chuck. And also Boston Legal, Monk...

5: What fandoms do you think you might let go of in 2009 unless things significantly improve?
Stargate Atlantis. It got cancelled, though, so maybe I'll watch the last season.

6: What fandoms do you think you'll never let go of no matter how crappy they get? Why?
House (because of Wilson and House/Wilson), Battlestar Galactica (oh, lets face it, this show will NEVER get crappy), How I Met Your Mother (because I also don't think this will ever get crappy).

7: What show impressed you most in 2008?
Battlestar Galactica, DEFINITELY. And also How I Met Your Mother.

8: What show impressed you least in 2008?
Stargate Atlantis.


09: Open Your Eyes (Ned/Chuck)

16: All the Small Things (Jon/Stephen)

29: Apologize (Jack/Cameron)

28: Tagged (that five facts vidding meme thing)

26: Hollow (House/Wilson)




07: Little Wonders (Dan in Real Life)

05: In the Middle (Stephen Colbert)


23: All My Days (Rose/Doctor)
28: Foundations (Martha/Ten)

My favorite video this year (of my own):
Hard to say. They're all so different... I was really happy with 'All the Small Things', 'Open Your Eyes' was nice and sweet... I even liked my Tagged video so much! It had so many of my fandoms there...
Nope, no favorites.

My least favorite:
I've no idea. Perhaps 'Little Wonders', because of the overused song, I don't know. But I really liked it!
Oh, I don't know.

Most successful video:
'All the Small Things' gave me more comments on my LJ than any other vid I ever made. So it's probably my most successful.

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Not many people saw my Tagged vid. :(

Most fun video to make:
'Foundations' was a lot of fun to make. And so was 'Open Your Eyes', with all the Ned/Chuck cuteness. I also enjoyed 'Apologize' a lot because of all the AU scenes I got to create.
Yup, probably 'Apologize'. :)

Hardest video to make:
Ooooooh, definitely 'All the Small Things'. NINE EFFING MONTHS, people! I spent nine months editing it!

The things I've learnt this year...
- Don't argue with your muse. You'll always lose.
- Muses are also completely unpredictable!
- Watermarks are a vidder's best friend.
- Some YouTube people will never stop being jerks.
- Imeem > YouTube.
- rhythm > lyrics.

Things to work on in 2009:
I'd love to improve on my slow vids. For whatever reason, they're so difficult for me to make.

Vid projects I definitely want to get finished this year:
My Jon/Stephen/Steve project and at least one of the three Doctor Who projects I still have in my head.

Plus the usual bit from the wish list.
- A general Order of the Phoenix vid. Because I need to carry on with my tradition!
- A Battlestar Galactica vid. Because this show ROCKS and so I need to vid it.
- A Robin Hood vid. Because why not?
- Wilson/Cameron vid. Because it's been too long and I still love them.

tv: the sarah connor chronicles, !yearly vidding meme, tv: robin hood (bbc), vidding, tv: how i met your mother, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: the big bang theory, tv: house, tv: stargate atlantis, tv: chuck, tv: gilmore girls, memes, tv: wonderfalls

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