TV update!!!

Dec 06, 2008 00:32

Fandom comments time!

I managed to watch a lot of things this week. I mean, a lot of my current fandoms, anyway. I already posted my thoughts on this weeks Pushing Daisies, but I also watched Battlestar Galactica (obviously!), House and I'm currently watching all episodes of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report of this week.

I love fandom! :)

I'll be brief and non-spoilery with my comments on House:
Taub and Kutner at the end? PRICELESS!!!
House and Cuddy should just hook up already!
Sometimes I feel like Wilson and the House/Wilson friendship is the only thing that keeps me coming back to this show. At least this time Taub and Kutner were also interesting to watch.
I'm kind of really liking Taub in the more recent episodes. Taub > Thirteen, that's for sure.

I don't really have a lot to say about Colbert and Stewart this week other than:
- Anne Hathaway is SUCH a fangirl. Hahaha! Aw, and Jon's so shy he wasn't even looking at her when she started talking about her crush on him. He's so cute. ♥
- Jon dancing behind his desk? Priceless. (Interestingly enough, now I can't take that 'song' "Oh My God, I Just Shot Myself In The Thigh" off my head either)
- Colbert was such a dork with his lightsaber (I WANT A LIGHTSABER TOO, SANTA!!!). And at the end of the interview when he grabbed the guy's money. Hehe Aw! Stephen's a kid and I love him for it.
- Laugh-ghanistan = LOVE!

I'm actually still watching the episodes, I only watched Monday's episodes I still have the rest of the week to go through.

And now we go to Battlestar Galactica and I'll finally cut this post because I had a *tiny* bit more to say about it. *ahem*

BSG 3x08
I guess it was pretty obvious that the Cylons had let that guy go. Also, it was pretty obvious that he'd try to harm Adama once he found out the truth (ok, so I guessed that from the clips on the intro, but STILL!).
Wow!... I really liked this episode.
So that's how/why the war started? Wow! Poor Adama. I love that he told Lee about it. Gotta love some father-son quality time on this show.

I'm kind of loving Saul now, after what happened to him. He's become a much more interesting character without Helen, which is what I KNEW would happen once that woman left the show. Did I ever mention how much I hated Helen?
I hated that Saul told the guy about Adama, but I loved that he protected Adama in the end. That was an amazing scene.

Aw! Roslin/Adama! :)
I loved their scenes together, Roslin pretty much rocked this episode. She was sweet and serious at the same time and I loved the way she spoke with Adama in the end.
I'm loving this 'ship so much! The fleet would be lost without them. :)

BSG 3x09
(this is actually a running commentary, so forgive me for the randomness here)

- WOOT! Helo v. Apollo!!! (Yay! Helo won!)

- WOOT! shirtless!Apollo!!!

- hmmm... so apparently this episode will tell us a bit more about New Caprica, huh? Cool.

- Aw! Apollo/Starbuck!

- Aw! Roslin/Adama!

- I'm guessing this episode will be an OTP-fest then, eh? COOOOL!

- Aw! Kara/Anders! (Yup, definitely)

- Haha! Dualla, you're going DOWN! Seriously, Apollo/Dualla is NOTHING next to Apollo/Starbuck. YOU HEARD ME, SISTAH!

- Hehe Hot Dog v. Starbuck.


- Thank you.

- Blergh! Helen. I hate Helen.

- Aw! Starbuck and Anders being adorable!

- Aw! Starbuck and Apollo!
(Yes, I can go "Aw!" with both 'ships, any problem with that? No? Good. :P)

- Aw! Roslin/Adama! Just get married already!

- Heehee I love that Roslin's all excited about the crew boxing each other.
I love her smile.

- HA! HA! ADAMA!!! Chief's face when Adama called him? Priceless. :)

- OH YEAH! Chief v. Adama!!!
I really wanted to see Adama v. Saul, but I guess this is also good.

- LOL! "He's an old man, he's not serious"... Ow, Chief, you're SO screwed.

- Told ya.


- AW!!!! Roslin and Adama watching the stars... ♥
Can they be more perfect together? I don't think so.

- OUCH! That hurt, Chief.

- AW! drunk!Apollo!!!

- Damn! The Chief won.

- This whole Chief/Adama thing is all because the Chief wanted to leave Galactica? Seriously? Oh, please!

- Hahahaha Roslin-as-coach is just hilarious! I love her!

- OOOOOOH... Apollo v. Starbuck? This ought to be good...

- Come on, Dualla, you're not an idiot. You can see it, can't you? It's RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!


- Yup, Dualla knows. :)

- YEAH!!! A KISS!!! A KI-- OH! Oooooh... Ok, NOW we're talking! You just didn't waste any time, did you? Niiiice.

- Aw, Lee! You're adorable when you're in love.

- Aw, Kara! You're so adorable!

- You're so perfect together, you two!

- Admiral, don't talk with your mouth full! :P


- ...

- This actually explains why Lee was acting all weird lately.

- Poor, poor Anders...

- Aw, Kara... what were you thinking? Really. First, you do that to Lee and make him miserable and now you're acting weird towards Anders too. That's not fair to either of them, girl!!!

- Oh no, montage.

- AW! HUG!!!
Oh OTP, why must you kill me like this?

- Poor Anders.
Dualla, you should leave too.


house/wilson, episodes, otp: roslin/adama, tv: daily show/colbert report, otp: lee/kara, otp: kara/anders, tv: battlestar galactica, reviews, tv: house

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