New Harry/Ron and Remus videos

Feb 27, 2005 00:39

Well, here they are! Not all of my new videos, but at least some of them. wildswanspond asked me to post two Star Wars vids I've been keeping for quite a long time, so I'll post them tomorrow along with the Farscape video (if it's finished by then).

Right now I got two new HP videos for you! One about Harry and Ron, and the other about Remus Lupin. Enjoy!

"You're a God"
Type: Fun!:-)
Song: "You're a God" by Vertical Horizon
Description: Harry and Ron's friendship during their first 3 years of Hogwarts.
AN: I've made too many angsty vids and that angsty Darn Trailer of Doom recently, so I thought a fun friendship video would be a nice change.

Remus Lupin (post-OotP)
Type: Angsty/Dramatic/Sad
Footage: "Harry Potter" (PS/CoS/PoA), "The Island of Dr. Moreau", "Black Beauty" (Thank you so much, granger_weasley!!!)
Song: "A place called home" by Kim Richey (hushed_sirius, you got me addicted to this song!)
Description: Remus looks back at everything that's happened to him and everyone that's left him. Will he ever find a place to call home?
AN: It wasn't supposed to have scenes from other movies in it, but the ones from PoA weren't enough for the sort of video I had in mind. I hope the ones from the other movies fit...
I may make a 2nd version just with HP scenes, though.

I guess this is it.:-) Now excuse me 'cause I got a frelling Farscape video to finish.

projects, harry/ron, remus lupin, vids, film: harry potter, tv: farscape, vidding

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