Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 22, 2007 07:45

Like most of my flist, I just finished reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"

... and will only talk about it under a cut.

So I have officially spent the whole night reading the book.

And I don't regret it, really, I think it's my favorite! I just love it so, SO much!
I really did cry in some parts, I'll admit it... some mixture of what was happening with the fact that I was getting closer to the end, I guess.

Nonetheless, I do want to kill JKR for killing Lupin.
That was totally uncalled for and the guy had just had a freaking KID!


Though, I have to admit, I knew Lupin and Tonks were doomed the moment Lupin asked Harry to be Teddy's godfather. Quite touching, but I had that "Oh, no, it's happening again" feeling. Especially when he compared himself to Sirius.
Poor Teddy!


Really, quite a lot of people died in this book... Hedwig, Fred, Colin, Mad-Eye, Dobby...

As for a more detailed review, I have to say, I think this was my favorite book of the series. The fact that it did not happen inside Hogwarts at all was great, it just made the whole thing all the more mysterious (even though some of the stuff were kind of obvious: like Dumbledore's wand being the Elder Wand).
I loved Lupin and Snape in this book... Lupin/Tonks was adorable... as were all the couples, really. Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny...

Snape's memories showed just how great he was! Sure, part of me still hates him, but after this book you just have to love him! Sure, I knew he was on Dumbledore's side (I was SURE of it when it was revealed that he sent Ginny and the other students who broke into his office to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid as punishment) and that he loved Lily, but that was still a powerful chapter... It made me feel so sorry for him.
And this book, for the first time, made me feel truly mad at Dumbledore... even though I sort of forgot about it in the end and went back to thinking he's so great, but still...
I'm glad, though, that we got to know that much about his youth and his family.

I loved all the action in the book! Especially at the end, I LOVED the Battle of Hogwarts!
And the Malfoys!
And Mrs Weasley vs Bellatrix!
Neville killed Nagini... GO NEVILLE!

As for Harry himself... I always knew he was a Horcrux. But I felt sorry for him when he realized he had to sacrifice himself. And when the "ghosts" of James, Lily, Sirius and Lupin went along with him...

The ending was sweet... 19 years later...
Though the kids names were kind of frightening. I mean, Albus Severus Potter??? Sure, great, I thought it was so cute that he named one of his kids Albus and that this kid was the one that looked most like him... But poor kid! Albus Severus?! What an ugly name!
Not to mention Scorpius! That made me picture a pale kid in leather clothing, it wasn't a pretty sight!

I know there are more things to comment on, I just can't remember them right now.
I mean, I'm at that moment when it's sinking in that it's finally over, that this was the last book... And it certainly WAS the last book, no doubt about that. I mean, I doubt that she'll pull a Conan Doyle and write more books, and I hope he doesn't. At least where Harry Potter is concerned, his story has been told. Amazingly well.

Thank you JKR, for the wonderful experience!

remus lupin, books: harry potter, film: harry potter, otp: ron/hermione

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