My love for the HP vidding fandom knows no bounds.

Jun 26, 2007 12:43

A while ago I decided to stop looking for Harry Potter videos on YouTube 'cause everytime I did, I came across many of my vids posted without my permission. And I'm way too tired to go around asking everyone to remove them. This is partially YouTube's fault alright, but since it only happens to this extent with HP, then I'm blaming the HP fandom. It's way too many people for me to handle

But I think I can handle this one person in particular.

This girl has about 90 videos on her account and as far as I can see, ALL her HP and LOTR videos are NOT hers. And most of them came from Return to Innocence, from either Ana, Lenna, Rose or myself. And if that wasn't bad enough, she's acting as if she's me!!!

I decided to read the comments to "her" Two Princes video and this is what I found. Someone commented saying "Why do you copy jessan15's video?"... which just made me even happier 'cause it means someone ELSE posted my vid without my permission.
But anyway, this is the reply the little thief gave:

"I didn't... O.O I made this by Myself!!!! Are you telling me that someone has the exact same vid as me??????? :( Who is jessan15? Does she have the exact same vid?? "

Then she went to this other person's account, checked their vid and posted another reply:

"I saw Jessan15 copy It's mine alright she must have got it off the site I allowed people to down load it from... She put in her description that the vid is NOT HERS which as good Cause as long as she doesn't Claim it to be her own then I don't mind her having it up. "

EXCUSE ME???? "The site I allowed people to down load it from"???? So what? She's claiming to own Innocence now, is that it? She thinks she's ME?

Just a lovely reminder as to why I stopped vidding HP.

youtube, vid theft, film: harry potter

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