And thus the YouTube wars have begun!

Mar 20, 2007 13:20

You know, it was so great when people used to just, you know, apologize and act rationally.

But if you go to my YouTube profile, you will see that Kwone and her merry bunch of Twits have all left useless hatemails to me saying that they will sue me if I sue them (can anyone please tell me when the FUCK did I say I was going to sue them???????), saying that I am childish to call upon my friends to stand by me, and some saying that they will get me banned from YouTube if I keep this going.

Here are some winner entries:

First, from Eckental (Twit #1), the one that said SHE would sue ME and then posted the vid on her profile. Here's her friendly message:

"Don't do stupid things by asking your friends to spam to our videos, this only degrade yourself and your friends.

U also steal universal and MJ song BeatIt. you have no rights to blame kwone steal yours.

it's stupid to say that all her video are stolen just because she uploaded your video, one video doesn't represent all videos are also borrowed from others.

I won't give in, because I heard that Kwone have already add your name, but u and yourfriends still haunts and force ppl to remove your video.

I know that, u only wish that u have that video so ppl will say yours are good. but good video should be shared. not hide.

Kwone share to me then how? does it mean that you really own BTTF? are you really zemeckis ?

don't be so silly, don't go too far. ppl only dislike u.

if u sue her video - I can even tell you, yours will also have big shit. "

As you can see, she's full of shit.

"I know that, u only wish that u have that video so ppl will say yours are good."

Yeah, I'm such a bitch for wanting credit for my own video. What am I thinking?

Then we have Kwone herself, and she says this:

"When u sue my BTTF video, urs won't be able to be kept here.

that is why I would not wish u to sue but will just add your name inside my video instead.

Today, I said u send me. my friend only say that I share it, doesn't say I make it. I had never said who make it, just say that its' with Beat It music

I hope u really know english before u claim things. thanks."

Apparently to her, knowing English means writting in a language no one can fucking understand.

And then she left this other friendly message:

"Di00br, I had already give in by writing your name, but because you and your friends all harass me and spam in my comment so I decide to remove your credit there.

For those who are my friends, they should know that I always would tell who is the real person in youtube who has that video before I share. I use PM mainly. I don't write in visible areas.

But your way of claiming all my videos are stolen from others are unreasonable and stupid. and mean!

One video doesn't represent all videos of mine.

Yes the BTTF I would tell people it's Di00br before I share. In bulletin I write my own, but does it mean I totally make this, create and share are 2 different things.

don't forget that , di00br, u also have that BTTF video, sueing us means sueing yours.

Don't do things that u don't have any good. "

Oh and on her latest message, she apparently thinks stephantom is some guy named Steve Hampton.

Sure, that makes sense.

Uh... I don't think I've ever been in a mess this big before.

And can anyone please tell me WHEN OR WHERE DID I EVER SAY I WOULD SUE THEM???????

youtube, vid theft, vidding

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