Bauer-a-Thon, part II

Feb 14, 2007 14:37

Aaaand the 24 hours watching 24 carry on.
I'm way too obsessed with it, people! It's unbelievable.

Oh, and Mom is TEH BEST!
I told her I was beginning to like this series and turns out she's been a fan of it for a long time. My own mother was watching this series before I was! And she's the most outdated person I've ever know! Only two weeks ago she found out that Joey Ramone had died... And that's because I told her!
And last year I had to tell her that Freddy Mercury was also dead.

See what I mean?

Anyway, even Mom knew about 24 and I didn't. So when I told her I was getting obsessed with it, she was really happy.
But the best thing ever was on Monday when I mentioned to her that I wanted to go to Fnac to buy some DVDs. Well, I didn't go, but when I got home she had a present for me. And what was it????

TA DA!!!

Season 4 of 24!!!!

"Why season 4?", you may ask. Well, she always gets lost on the DVD section of Fnac, so she only found 4 and 5. And 4 was the cheapest.
So now my next mission will be to get all first 3. Mom always complains that I have too many DVDs of TV shows, but for some reason she didn't complain this
She adores House and 24! Then again, she's my Mom!

So I've spent my last few days on a majorific Bauer-a-Thon!
Ok, so I missed some stuff that happened on the last half of Season 1 onwards, but not that much.

Season 4 has Chloe and Audrey and I'm soooo happy for that!
I LOVED Michelle!!! And Tony/Michelle is now my OTP #2.
I am COMPLETELY obsessed with Jack/Audrey! Don't be too surprised if a "J/A" video shows up and it's not John/Aeryn.

And to carry on with the 24-House Recurring Characters Exchange Program, the guy that owned the store that Jack had to rob to stop that guy terrorist from getting away, was the same guy that played the farmer on "Three Stories".
It's the 5th one already!!!!

I'll be back with more updates on this subject later Gotta go to class soon (yes, I still have a life!... Kinda).

real life, tv: house, tv: 24, dvds, otp: jack/audrey

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