A Few Things I like

Dec 04, 2007 02:02

I mentioned earlier that they are a lot of things I hate;
but it's more accurate to say "disdain" or "despise".

Here are some things that I like or love, in my life:

Just Randomly
1. Flourescent lights.

I probally couldn't work at night without them. Granted, they're a bit harsh, but a well-positioned shade and reflector and voila: indirect ambient "white light", perfect for long-night reading. All of the light, none of the heat (at most, 1/5 of the heat of traditional, filament-burning bulbs).

2. Music, and how easy it is to make nowadays.

I've listened to lots of commercial music, but I mostly enjoy "doing my own thing". I'm not a musician by any means; failed music theory and stuff, but I think that singing and music are two of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself, or share with a friend.

Yet think that 100 years ago, things like digital synth. keyboards could scarcely be imagined.

3. Living in an ageless age.

"The only constant is change". Well, sometimes it feels like I'm stuck in the wrong part of the world, but it's still interesting to see how things are changing, depening on perspective, some ways for the worse (like, u know, oil depletion; earthquakes), sometimes for better (lots of stuff gets cheaper, business opportunities).

4. Being literate in a popular language.

Although I'd still like to learn Japanese, the fact that English is so well-known makes it sorta easy to communicate with a large chunk of the world.

Yeah, I'm literate but I'm writing partly because self-expression isn't very easy for me, compared to what I want to express I feel I barely glance at the surface.

5. A low-pressured life... externally, anyways.

I'm my main source of "stress", ultimately.

That's all for now.

list, positive, random, thankful, rant, things

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