In my previous post, I linked to [
this article which spoke of completing tasks, overcoming procrastination]. However, in adapting and considering the article, I came up with a six-part process. Before this process, of course, you have to determine what to do, but thinking of the process step by step, may actually help in this:
- starting: focus on details. Sent a schedule which re-assement time-stops (not "deadlines" because nobody will die, you will just stop, consider, and restart, just as sleep leads to renewal rather than death, re-assement keeps you progressive. Do things out of determination to live, rather than fear of death of any kind).
- perseverence: keep abstract goal in mind, whilst actually "carrying out the task" (producing output). If you are writing, then actually write, but keep the goal in mind now. Don't just write anything, unless your goal is catharsis, automatic writing, chanelling, or introspective progress into shadow realms or hidden realms. And if that is your goal, focus on that, rather than getting distracted by other projects or goals. If you get tired, rest and resume. If you have too many goals on your mind, then trust that you will get back to them. Focus on one at a time. Also I had advice for that in a previous article.
- evaluatiing progress: focus on details, especially when the "change" of failure is high (but do not let pseudo-objective statistics be your guild to evaluating progress. An individual appears to defy statistics, just as trees appear to defy gravity, growing upwards. Both use the nature of great forces for the benefit of growing self, rather than submit passively to rigid over-simplified laws. Gravity actually helps trees to grow, and every statistic and circumstance can be used to fuel your growth and development).
- ending: for easy parts or near to the end, focus on the "finish line" or eventual goal. Let that motivate you to continue and work, rather than get distracted by other things or, worse, give up by acting as if it has already been done. This is the reason for the "three nights of inspection before beginning", to focus on forming the vision in formation and making motivations clear on the intentional planes and realms.
- review: rest first. Have you rested? I mean slept, at least one full night. Perhaps for several days or even a few weeks, in the case of something like the first draft of a novel. Then, after you have rested, assess with a clear, fresh mind. The rest is most important to restore your mental capbility and shift from the process of creation to the process of review. In a professional setting, you might want to create in the morning, go to lunch, and review in the evening, for example.
- sales: selling is an important step -- or, rather -- process. It is even more important for internal customers, such as your future self. It si vital to sell to yourself the results of your own labour. It is vital to making your self-esteem absolutely positive, and protecting yourself from the various "enemies of progress" which are common. You won't build yourself up by antagonism with enemies, but rather, by construction. That is why the story of Nehamiah is such an inspiration for, but any waste-to-city or rags-to-riches story will work. Somewhat.
The "bold embodiment of occupation" is important. It is not only important to be constructive, but also, to see yourself as constructive. Reflection and review are part of this, but actualy sales can also start the process, as you tend to need to sell yourself on the value of an activity before persuing it. That could well become another article or booklet altogether.
As you grow as an individual in command of a firm, you will learn by your external and internal sales, even if, or perhaps especially if you are working alone, but also as you interact with others and gain team members, employess, business allies, and such. It is partially for this reason that business tends to be taught wrong: we are trained to work within pre-existing organisations, as if they are eternal, but the eternal organisations have never required permanent "slavery" to any physical organisation.
Freedom involves freedom to choose associations and dis-associations.
As you work and learn, record your intellectual gains, for these are the basis of individual wisdom, or "teachings". This is the
Hierophant attitude explained at a higher level, for those of you who are aware of the Soul's Journey. You teach your own conscious mind (technical skills) and sub-conscious attitudes (attitudes, such as a positive mental atittude)/ assistant consciousness (such as a prosperity consciousness). Selah.