A Fun Day

Jun 06, 2010 22:12

The day, in sub-day sections:

Morning was the beach, the highlight of which was me running in nothing but a long tan semi-cargo pants and "Hice" belt.

Afternoon was hanging out in the studio with my mom and sis (my sub-neigh-bours)...

Evening was another shower, and getting ready for...

Night, a gospel concert, which started late;

Aki and I left it early to...

...Go flirt with prostitutes on the street....

Then I passed by the cinema (which I'm banned from) and spoke at length with the employees (I didn't break the ban and go in).

Dan was especially keen to talk to me, David aka "Tall Boy", so I ended up liming (relaxing) with him over by the shop run by Mike's wife's mom (Ms. Brown, I think).

Dan was in his grieving gear, but "big sis" was in all red, rather than dark colors, so I guess in a way she's moving on... or maybe I'm reading too much into clothing choices.

Now, late night, I came home, and now shalt relax and enjoy my AC.

...more details on request, just ask a question...


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