Okay, I've got a strange experience to tell you all about, but first,
thanks for the warm responses to my almost useless post the other day!
I haven't managed to get fully... diurnal yet, but I managed to slide in about 5 hours of sleep last night, before I got up to get something to eat... during that time, well, I actually mostly just laid in bed and thought about stuff.
It was awesome!
The time I've spent getting to fall in love with myself anew,
has been really worthwhile....
Like any relationship with a wonderful person,
it sometimes takes you some effort to grow to the point
that you accept yourself as wonderful enough to maintain it.
Err, wait, I sound totally weird now, as if I'm romantically interested in myself,
or something....
Well, anyhow, next update, I'll tell you about my wandering walk of mundane awesomeness.