who the f*ck?

Mar 01, 2016 12:32

hi there, i'm iggy
i'm a girl in her twenties and I live in Northern Europe, Finland together with my boyfriend. Yes I am in relationship, for three years now ♥
I study games and animations. My horoscope is gemini. I have some problems with anxiety and depression. I'm either hyper/sad/cranky most of the times, sometimes all at once. My boyfriend says I'm weird, but lovely. idk about that last one tbh.

I'm a introvert, so I usually spend most of the time at home, playing video games, reading comics, watching movies and animu, drawing, writing, browsing the great internets and doing basically nothing with my life. Sometimes I also like to go out with my friends to get drunk. I really like to drink beer. I also love throwing allnighters and drinking coffee. lots of coffee

I enjoy lots of nerdy things, gaming for example, but also designing characters and worlds for my own stories, comic ideas, game ideas or what-so-ever. Sometimes I also desing some OC for fun, but I do not do roleplaying anymore, I used to years ago. I enjoy escaping reality into these nerdy things. Sometimes I also watch netflix etc for like 10-20 hours straight. I'm not straight btw.

I dislike lots of things.
Mostly people.

Wolrd of Warcraft Darksorrow / Shattered Hand
League of Legends EUW (mostly playing aram)
3DS --- 3540-1686-0535 <--- Pokemon Y / Alpha Sapphier
I also have steam, ask if you want to add me.

Do not send me friend requests without talking to me first. But if for some weird reason you want to add me anyway, please send me a message first. I don't want people on my friendlist that I will most likely never talk to after saying hello once or twice.

tumblr | instagram| flightrising | gaiaonline
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