(no subject)

Mar 21, 2010 00:15

Sigh...well, my Hawks blew it. I love them to death, but I'm honestly not surprised. They have a terrible habit of choking in the finals, except for those rare occasions when they kick ass and win it all. Kind of funny that they managed to screw up everyone's brackets today--including the President's. When we screw up, we screw up big.

I'm still on my "The West Wing" kick. Such an amazing show. Great writing, great characters (I'm in love with Sam Seaborn. And Toby. And Josh. And C.J. But mostly the beautifully idealistic Sam.), an unlikely but wonderful teaching tool, and it has this magnificent way of making me feel like I don't know enough about politics and what's going on in the world today. I feel guilty now. I need to start giving a damn.

One of the nice things about this forum is that no one knows I'm here. Well, I have a few friends whom I know in real life who are on here, but no one at work. No one in my family. So I have somewhere anonymous to go and vent and will hopefully not get myself in trouble. That's the danger of the net, isn't it? Someone can always find you. I'm just hoping they don't. I suppose the safe thing to do would be not to say anything at all, but sometimes you just need to talk.

So here's the deal.

I'm manager of the resort this year. I've been supervisor before, but never manager. I've been responsible for a kitchen, but never a restaurant, a bar, a gift shop, a hotel, maintenance, housekeeping, fifty employees. And now I'm all of the above. It's a challenge I'm looking forward to, but it's also unnerving because...well, this place is nuts. I'm not sure how much support I'm going to get (I'm currently in charge of hiring people, but I can't even get a key to the office so I can use the printer). And the guy they were going to use as an assistant manager, whom I did not have much faith in to begin with (and never really cared all that much for when I knew him last year as assistant manager of the kitchen) has decided not to return (after repeatedly telling me his decision had nothing to do with me or my being named manager which tells me it has EVERYTHING to do with me being manager), so I'm relieved in that at least I won't have to spend the next several months dealing with his screw-ups. On the other hand, until we find a replacement, I'm going to be carrying a lot of the weight of this place on my inexperienced shoulders and we're also without someone in the kitchen who, even if he didn't do a great job, at least knew the job. Already, this year is kind of fucked up. (Ah, yes, the f-word. Something I can't use on FB because I've got young relations on there and I have to watch my language.)

They haven't had a manager last the whole season in at least three years.

Our last one got in trouble for several reasons, but one of those was that she wrote something disparaging about this place and the owners on Facebook, which wasn't a good move seeing as how several of us are friends on her Facebook. I'm just hoping that by writing on here, I'm keeping my head down. We'll find out.
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