[ph cards] I'm feeling like a rabid fangirl.

Aug 06, 2010 03:52

What can I say? I couldn't resist the temptation and bought Pandora Hearts playing cards. I don't know whether to be happy or sad that I didn't have access to Paypal back when I was into DMC. Even though I like collecting things, I'm very mean, so I'm honestly really surprised I'm willing to spend so much on fangirling collectibles. *sigh* Now I feel really bad because I ordered A Song of Ice and Fire 2011 Calendar two days ago and today learned that Pandora Hearts 2011 Calendar is likely to be available for me, too. I always have incredibly tough time picking a calendar (kittens? cats? requirement: November pic must be nice), but I need only one. It kinda feels like a waste to own two and use only one. On the other hand, ASOIAF November is truly hideous, while PH November is really pretty...


On to the photos!

The suit consists of 52 cards + 2 jokers. It's mostly Pandora Hearts plus some Crimson Shell, as well as something strange (fanart?) and one dude I can't remember seeing before. I took pics of everything that I haven't seen anywhere else and of suspicious ones. :3



6 ♥ Alice - that's not Mochizuki's style...
6 ♦ Alice - ?
J ♣ Echo - ?
K ♣ Crimson Shell
Q ♥ Alice - fanart?
10 ♣ ??? - anybody knows this guy? Is it one guy? Or two? It looks like younger and older version of one character. :/
10 ♠ Crimson Shell
K ♦ - I was like ?_? who the hell are they?! and only now recognized one person's clothing. It seems it's Echo and Noise. I think...?
2 ♣ Oz and Alice - school uniforms? :D anyone knows where this is from?
A ♥ Gil and Alice - maids
J ♦ Echo, Oz and Break - looks like something from manga omakes :3
J ♠ Gilbert - LOL.
7 ♣ Echo and Gil - I really want to know where these are from...
3 ♣ Alice and Oz
9 ♦ yandere to tsundere threesome - I know this image is popular, but I can't remember whether I've seen color version, so I scanned it.
Q ♣ Vincent and Echo - looks familiar...
3 ♦ Gilbert - anime shot?

Hahaha I lied. Dang, my mother's camera is really bad. I took the photos at noon, in the brightest spot in my entire flat, right next to the window, and on freaking tripod, no less. And it still came so blurry and muddy that I had to adjust levels and contrast to be able to discern anything on them. Trust me, originals show only gray blobs of something. :/ I hate that little silvery shit.

pandora hearts, asoiaf, fandom

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