May 31, 2012 10:20
I've got a bunch of source books that I like to keep right by my drawing table. Some of these are copyright free collections, and some are sourcebooks - which you can use as elements and reference (but must change - which isn't hard if you are putting figures as the main part of your work).
Cletic Art by George Bain - a MUST if you are doing knotwork! My absolute treasure
Strong's Book of Designs
Art Nouveau Typographic Ornaments - Dover
150 Full Color Art Nouveau Patterns and Designs - Dover
Art Nouveau Abstract Designs by Rebecca McKillip
Art Nouveau Animal Designs and Patterns - Dover
Mucha's Floral Borders - Dover
Art Deco Designs - Search Press
Classic Boarder Designs - Search Press
Sourcebook Viking Designs - Search Press
Chronicle of Western Fashion - John Peacock
Costume Patterns and Design by Max Tilke
Pose File (I have 1, 4 & 7)
The Library of Design, Encyclopedia of Ornament by A. Racinet
1000 Symbols by Rowena & Rupert Shepherd
Japanese Design Motifs - Dover
Chinese Animal designs - Dover
Chinese Lattic Designs - Dover (A real good one)
The Book of Signs by Rudolf Koch - Dover
There are more - but these are at easy hand