It's the first time I have had two cons on one weekend. Well, that happens a lot - there's always too many cons I want to go to. What I mean is that I had a table set out with my wares in two different places. I realized that Dave was going to the con anyway - so we got a table and he was there for me.
We had the same sort of stock I usually have - Cute, Furry, Fantasy, buttons, bookmarks - the works. The only real difference is that I wasn't there.
Sales were down. Not really completely noticeably down - but down. Could be the economy, but I think it's The Artist wasn't there. Dave did offer to draw things for people (If I were a customer, I'd thought that was hilarious and taken him up on it). It only goes to show how much more happens when the artist is there to make that face to face connection.
Not to worry, we did make profit. I'll be back next year (unless Spectrum is over it again).
If I have to do this again, I'll put Dave in a Hat with Horns.
also posted on my Blogger: