Title: The Bracelet
Author: AkashaTheKitty (Kitty)
Rating: M
Warnings: Addicting, Over 220k words
Length: 83 chapters, WIP
Genre: Romance, Drama, Comedy
Era: 7th year
Summary: Draco uses a magical family heirloom on Hermione and both become overwhelmed by the side-effects.
Why you enjoyed the fic: I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. It is pretty long, but definitely worth the read. I was a little apprehensive at first because there were 83 chapters. However what convinced me to start reading it was the fact that it had 4000+ reviews. Also, it was updated last August--which is recent in my standards, so I know she didn't abandon the fic. It had to be good if over 4000 people took the time to write a review. (Please note: the author is not a review whore, not once in the a/n's did she beg for a review.)
Kitty keeps Draco and Hermione extremely close to the canon. This is one of those stories where the author actually planned this out, you can see obvious foreshadowing and several plots all weaved together. You'll go through the roller coaster of emotions with Draco and Hermione and the side-characters are pretty darn likable too. Ron plays a nice guy, not an jealous meanie like most other fics. The dialogue is believable and hilarious while the smutty areas are also well written. At first you may complain of the lack of 'action' but I promise you the building tension will grow about thirty chapters in. *hint hint* The sexy-times are nice to read, but I often find myself rereading the witty dialogue between two characters.
The pacing of the story is quite slow but stays that speed throughout. The chapters aren't divided up in themes rather in terms of length. So each chapter is short, I say about 2000 words but you'll have plenty to go through. It took me two days to finish the entire fic and I enjoyed every minute of it.
AkashatheKitty did use to update every week or so but she's not going to update again until she's finished with the story. From what I heard, she may finish within the next few months.