Aug 26, 2013 13:53
I've got a glider rocker that's 7-8 years old. The wooden chair part is still nice. It needs new cushions. I thought it'd be no problem, just a little online shopping and done. No such luck. I figured out my model is a JIVE rocker from Best Home Furnishings, but they don't sell directly to customers. You have to order through a furniture store. I've got calls in to three stores, but all of them say it'll be tomorrow before they'll even know if they can order such a thing. And I did find one web store that sells the cushions I need, but they want $350 for the chair cushions and matching glider top. If I bought a brand new one, chair and cushions, of the same thing it'd be $600.
It just seems completely crazy to me. A little fabric and foam shouldn't cost more than the wood glider part. And why aren't replacement cushions easy to find? There's no question you're going to need new cushions before you need a new chair, not when the chair is solid wood.
Just as a tip for future purchases: Check the availability of replacement cushions when buying a rocker, or other chair with theoretically replaceable cushions.