
Oct 12, 2005 21:48

Well hellllo, aren't you pretty? *

Hi! Got 16 members, got a new layout (totally half-assed this), annnnnnd I tried to come up with rules that didn't sound like a lot of bullshit and I tried to make D/Hr icon contests a little bit more fun? I dunno, my definition of fun might suck to a lot of you guys, but at least it's different? I'm not really part of many other icontests, so I wouldn't know what they do.


01) Challenges run from 10 PM EST Friday to 10 PM EST Friday of the next week. If you don't know where EST is in regards to your location and when 10 PM EST is....Well, I live in New York, so you get the gist. (I suck with timezones, hello.) ETA: Thanks for the link from m1s7resss --

02) Icon challeneges will not consist of only providing bases or caps. Since this is D/Hr, shippers should know that there are not many ephiphanical D/Hr moments in the movies and you will have to use your imagination ;) I will be stating in each challenge what to use, what not to, so don't worry. Yet. Joking :D

03) I will post up a poll promptly after a challenge ends and voting will last until Monday night or Tuesday night depending on how busy I am. I'm gonna try my best to adhere to these rules myself so this community doesn't "die".

04) Polls with icons will only be viewed by me and I will tally up everything and post up the winners Monday or Tuesday. There will be first place, second place, third place, and honorable mention.

05) This is sort of where I got a little creative** : the first place winner of every week, if he/she wishes to, is allowed to post up to two icons for the following week's challenge. If you don't want to do that, okay by me :) Juuust giving you an option in case you feel creative and you feel like you made two really awesome icons and you really wanna post them both. In case it happens that both icons get a place in the challenge (as in 1st/2nd/3rd/honorable mention), only one will be chose, as to not have one user's icons get all the glory ;) In case there are ties for a certain place, I will choose which icon gets that spot. We really can't have three third place winners entering six icons for the next challenge :D

06) Prizes .. well, if I were Paris Hilton and I could afford it, I'd probably give all winners paid account time or something each week, but alas I am not (thank god for that), so all you will be getting is a banner. All your icons will be stored in an account on Photobucket in case anyone ever gets bored and has nothing to do and would like to browse through old winners.

07) There is no rule 7. Horrah!

* Comes from HBP, dunno why I included it, I was feeling a Harry-perverse-over-Crabbe(or was it Goyle?)-sentiment.
** Creative only in a way I'm sure I appreciate.

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